Genetic Mutations

359 articles

Having a genetic mutation can make all the difference in treatment choices, and even longer-term survival. Learn more about the importance of genetic testing and molecular profiling.

November 22, 2021 • 2 Min

Using Molecular Tumor Profiling to Determine the Best Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

A clinical trial looks at whether molecular subtyping of tumors is effective in determining the best pancreatic cancer treatment.

Survivor Stories
November 2, 2023 • 8 Min

A Family Tree Bent but Not Broken by Pancreatic Cancer

When Kay Zedd Kesser looks around her family tree, she sees pancreatic cancer everywhere. But screening saved Kay’s life.

Survivor Stories
February 6, 2024 • 2 Min

I Wanted Immunotherapy!

When Daniel Miller was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer he knew he didn’t want chemotherapy—he wanted immunotherapy!

Survivor Stories
May 7, 2024 • 5 Min

Leaning into the Fight: My Battle with Pancreatic Cancer

Despite an extensive family history of pancreatic cancer, Deanna Burney’s doctors did not keep a close eye on her pancreatic cyst.

October 18, 2016 • 2 Min

A New Drug Combination to Control Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

A clinical trial for pancreatic cancer patients with the BRCA mutation tests the effectiveness of standard treatment plus a PARP inhibitor.

July 16, 2021 • 2 Min

Identifying Biomarkers for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer

A clinical trial for at-risk people is looking for biomarkers that can indicate pancreatic cancer is growing.

February 6, 2017 • 5 Min

Developing a Screening Test for Pancreatic Cancer

One focus of research for Dr. Anirban Maitra is to develop a simple screening test for pancreatic cancer, to provide an earlier diagnosis of the disease.

December 29, 2021 • 8 Min

Pancreatic Cancer Science—2021 in Review

As the year winds down Let’s Win provides an overall look at the highlights of 2021 in pancreatic cancer science.

October 28, 2022 • 1 Min

Symptoms and Risk Factors

Moderator Daniel G Garza leads Dr. Rachna Shroff and Dr. Fiyinfolu Balogun in a discussion of risk factors and symptoms of pancreatic cancer.

Disease Management
April 19, 2016 • 4 Min

In the Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer, Knowledge Is Power

Oncologist Allyson Ocean, M.D., introduces Let’s Win, an interactive website for pancreatic cancer patients to learn about new treatments.

Survivor Stories
June 11, 2021 • 2 Min

Faith in My Survival

Harry Schlechte had a Whipple procedure for his pancreatic cancer, but he credits his faith for getting him through treatment.

Survivor Stories
August 30, 2022 • 3 Min

Family History Matters

After Martin Abrams lost two siblings to pancreatic cancer, he made sure he was screened regularly because of his family history.

Survivor Stories
September 23, 2021 • 5 Min

The Butterfly Effect and Living Every Day to My Fullest

Because Helene Avraham-Katz has the BRCA2 mutation, certain chemotherapies work better and she is eligible for specific clinical trials.

Survivor Stories
November 12, 2021 • 6 Min

Taking Life with Pancreatic Cancer One Day at a Time

François has been taking chemotherapy for his pancreatic cancer treatment and living one day at a time, to make the most of his life.

Disease Management
November 27, 2023 • 3 Min

Reaching Primary Care Providers Through Podcasts

Dr. Jon Hallberg leads a series on early detection of pancreatic cancer as part of his mission to reach providers through podcasts.