Genetic Mutations

359 articles

Having a genetic mutation can make all the difference in treatment choices, and even longer-term survival. Learn more about the importance of genetic testing and molecular profiling.

Survivor Stories
November 2, 2022 • 3 Min

Urinary Tract Scans Lead to My Diagnosis

Ellen Robbins has the BRCA2 mutation, and that allowed her to participate in a clinical trial for her pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
May 20, 2024 • 4 Min

The Sound of Hope

Kim Bate has a long family history of pancreatic cancer, losing his sister and twin brother to it. Then he received the same diagnosis.

August 19, 2019 • 4 Min

The Relationship Between Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer

Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes you are at an increased risk for developing pancreatic cancer. Learn more about your risk by reading this story.

May 26, 2022 • 3 Min

Chemotherapy-Radiation Combination for Pancreatic Cancer in the Liver

Can targeted radiation disrupt tumor growth in the liver of advanced pancreatic cancer patients with BRCA2 and PALB2 mutations?

September 30, 2020 • 7 Min

AACR Virtual Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer: Day One Highlights

Let’s Win and the Lustgarten Foundation present highlights of Day One of the AACR Virtual Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer.

December 30, 2020 • 6 Min

A Year in Review: 2020

In March 2020, life as we knew it changed. The way we work, the way we gather, the way we each live our daily lives all felt upended, seemingly overnight. The global pandemic of COVID-19 affected everything, including cancer care and research. COVID-19 brought new risks to cancer patients, whose immune systems are compromised from […]

September 3, 2020 • 6 Min

The Future of Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

Dr. Anil Rustgi discusses the latest developments in pancreatic cancer treatment and the direction of current research in early detection.

January 5, 2023 • 4 Min

Screening Programs Save High-Risk People

Dr. Michael Goggins explains who should undergo regular pancreatic cancer screening and where programs can be found.

Survivor Stories
September 13, 2023 • 6 Min

A Cancer-Free Life 25 Years in the Making

Andy Lyons lost many family members to pancreatic cancer. With such a family history he knew to be proactive and get screened regularly.

Survivor Stories
February 10, 2020 • 5 Min

My Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trial Journey

After starting pancreatic cancer treatment, Davi D’Agostino discovered she has the BRCA2 mutation, which made her eligible for a clinical trial.

Survivor Stories
January 17, 2019 • 7 Min

A Clinical Trial for a Rare Pancreatic Cancer

Allison Lippman Kuban was trying to tolerate a difficult chemotherapy regimen when a mutation was found that qualified her for a clinical trial.

May 29, 2020 • 5 Min

Eighteen Important Words to Know if You Have Pancreatic Cancer

When you start pancreatic cancer treatment it seems like everyone is speaking a language you don’t know. Here are 18 important words to help you along.

Survivor Stories
August 6, 2024 • 4 Min

Lucky to Find It Early

When Jeneen Genna did not feel well her doctor searched until they found pancreatic cancer. The BRCA2 mutation has her in a clinical trial.

February 26, 2021 • 1 Min

Learn the Risk Factors

In the first Let’s Learn webinar, Learn the Risk Factors, experts explain how diabetes, genetic mutations, and pancreatitis impact pancreatic cancer.

April 18, 2022 • 6 Min

New Immunotherapy Strategy Aimed at High-Risk Population

Dr. Neeha Zaidi is the lead investigator of an immunotherapy trial using a vaccine for people at high risk for pancreatic cancer.