Clinical Trials
Clinical trials should be every patient's starting point when it comes to pancreatic cancer. Find out about trials that are available today, and the cutting-edge research available to patients.
151 Articles

Electricity-Based Treatment Boosts Overall Survival
Dr. Vincent Picozzi is enthusiastic about the results of the PANOVA-3 trial, which uses an electricity-based technique to kill cancer cells.

A Look Back at Research in 2024
Research in 2024 focused on personally tailored treatments; countering the most difficult effects of pancreatic cancer, and clinical trials.

Using A Virus to Reach the Tumor
Dr. Tara Seery is fascinated by the potential of an oncolytic virus to make chemotherapy more effective for pancreatic cancer.

Cachexia Research Showing Promise
Dr. Teresa Zimmers reports on the latest developments in countering cachexia in pancreatic cancer patients.

A New Approach to Overcome Drug Resistance
Dr. Despina Siolas is leading one of the sites where a new drug combination to combat the effects of KRAS mutations is under trial.

Pancreatic Cancer Pain Management a Zap Away
Dr. Yaacov Lawrence discusses the results of his clinical trial using SBRT radiotherapy for pain management of pancreatic tumors.

Targeting a KRAS Variant in Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
Researchers are testing a new drug that targets KRAS variant G12D in conjunction with different chemotherapies.

A New Combination Targeting the RAS Pathway
Researchers are testing two new drugs that target the RAS pathway, to make standard chemotherapy more effective.

AVENGER 500 Clinical Trial Shows No Overall Survival Benefit
Data from the AVENGER 500 clinical trial explains why the trial’s goal was not met. A new trial with a different approach has launched.

Positive Results For Borderline Resectable Disease Pilot Study
Dr. Zev Wainberg provides details on a trial of chemotherapy and immunotherapy for patients with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer.

mRNA Vaccine Trial Expands to Numerous Locations
The mRNA vaccine trial spearheaded by Dr. Vinod Balachandran has opened in more locations in the US and around the world.

Pancreatic Cancer Research Updates from ASCO 2024
Learn about the latest developments in pancreatic cancer research into immunotherapy and chemotherapy from the ASCO 2024 meeting.