108 Articles

Early Detection Saved My Life
Martin Abrams and his daughter Tova have a family history of pancreatic cancer, so a screening program and early detection are paramount.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
When long-term survivor Tom Dinwiddie was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer he found doctors willing to treat him.

A Second Opinion Saved My Life!
With encouragement from her husband, Janet McNabb went for a second opinion after a tumor was found on her pancreas.

The Optimist
Roxanne Waling is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, and she credits her integrative oncology team for helping her through.

Looking Forward to Tomorrow
Earl Groce is a long-term survivor of stage IV pancreatic cancer. He credits the clinical trial he was on with giving him time.

Never Ever Ever Give Up
Lynne Holcomb turned to a clinical trial when standard treatment was not stopping her stage IV pancreatic cancer.

Another Chance at Life
Molecular profiling of long-term survivor Roy Vinke’s tumor and found a mismatch repair deficiency, which changed his treatment.

The Mother I’ve Always Wanted To Be
Despite a long struggle with pancreatic cancer, long-term survivor Elizabeth O’Connor wants as much time as possible with her children.

Breathe Happy
When Helene Avraham-Katz was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she and her family made the decision to fight it with everything they could.

Cherishing the Simple Things
Elizabeth O’Connor has a PALB2 genetic mutation so her stage IV pancreatic cancer has responded to immunotherapy.

Whatever It Takes To Get Through This
Pancreatic cancer long-term survivor Joel Weiss was treated in New York because the treatment he wanted was not available in Canada at that time.

My Eight-Year Un-Celebration of Surviving Pancreatic Cancer
William Ramshaw shares his thoughts and advice for those in treatment, on reaching the eight-year pancreatic cancer survivor mark.

I Didn’t Expect to Be Doing This
Sheila Sky Kasselman, a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, started a foundation to help others after recovering from Whipple surgery.

If You Believe You Can Do This . . .
Barry Hendrickson spent much of his career helping cancer patients with hair loss, but he never expected to be in their shoes.

I’m Still Here
As a five-year pancreatic cancer survivor, Angella Dixon-Watson considers it her mission to educate others about this disease.