
102 Articles

Pancreatic cancer survivor Kim Vernick and her daughter
Survivor Stories
May 7, 2021 • 1 Min

My Strength Comes From My Mother

Kim Vernick credits her mother for passing on the strength and positivity she has needed as a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer.

Joel Evans Dancing with Linda
Survivor Stories
April 28, 2021 • 1 Min

I Must Give Back

For Joel Evans, it was the unwavering support of his wife Linda that kept him going  through a Whipple procedure and chemotherapy.

long-term pancreatic cancer survivor Tom Bajoras playing the piano
Survivor Stories
March 30, 2021 • 1 Min

We’re in This Together

Long-term survivor Tom Bajoras took his pain from treatment for PNET and turned it into music to inspire others who are struggling.

pancreatic cancer survivor William Ramshaw and his wif
Survivor Stories
February 26, 2021 • 1 Min

I Can Really Do This

William Ramshaw suffered serious infections during treatment for pancreatic cancer, but grit got him through as a long-term survivor.

survivor G. Paris Johnso
Survivor Stories
January 21, 2021 • 1 Min

What Will You Do With Your Dash?

G. Paris Johnson is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. She is now focused on advocacy and making the most of her life.

pancreatic cancer survivor Angella Dixon-Watson and her family
Survivor Stories
December 23, 2020 • 8 Min

Gift of Another Breath

Angella Dixon-Watson is grateful for her treatment team and the support of her family as she faced pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.

survivor Margie Goldsmith
Survivor Stories
December 17, 2020 • 1 Min

You’ll Get Through It

Margie Goldsmith has faced pancreatic cancer three times, and each time she has used her positive attitude to help her through treatment.

survivor Margie Goldsmith
Survivor Stories
November 25, 2020 • 1 Min

Let’s Win! Pancreatic Cancer Survivors Series—Year Four

Our inspiring Survivors video series is entering Year Four. Meet more long-term survivors as well as researchers working for new treatments.

Pancreatic cancer patient Chris Joseph
Survivor Stories
November 16, 2020 • 4 Min

Practicing Gratitude Every Day

The best thing Chris Joseph ever did was change oncologists. His new doctor did genetic testing on Chris’s tumor, for better treatment.

Ken vickers family2019
Survivor Stories
October 23, 2020 • 1 Min

Every Day is a Gift

Kenny Vickers traveled a long road to recovery after what he thought was an ulcer turned out to be pancreatic cancer. Now he is a long-term survivor.

pancreatic cancer survivor Enrico Crisafi and his wife
Survivor Stories
September 11, 2020 • 1 Min

Don’t Be Silent

Long-term survivor Enrico Crisafi knew something was wrong for months before he got a PET scan and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

long-term survivor Diane Borrison
Survivor Stories
July 22, 2020 • 1 Min

Individuals Can Make a Difference

As a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer Diane Borrison realized that it was important for her to become a committed advocate for this disease.

Pancreatic cancer patient Amy Zaterman and her husband Sean Seltzer
Survivor Stories
June 29, 2020 • 14 Min

Planning for My Future

When diagnosed with Stage IV PNET at the age of 30, Amy Zaterman found a doctor who believed in her and didn’t give up. Learn more about her inspiring story.

RIchard Blish and Marian Muir Woods
Survivor Stories
June 18, 2020 • 1 Min

You Can Beat the Odds

Richard Blish, a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, was directed to a clinical trial by his immunologist daughter. The trial saved his life.

pancreatic cancer patient William Ramshaw
Survivor Stories
May 20, 2020 • 5 Min

Chicken Enchiladas and Pancreatic Cancer

For William Ramshaw, a typical meal of Mexican food led to a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, including a Whipple procedure and chemoradiation.