Survivor Stories

Read about the treatment experiences of pancreatic cancer survivors, including what worked, the doctors or facilities they worked with, and more.

345 Articles

John Moisan, pancreatic cancer patient
Survivor Stories
March 20, 2018 • 5 Min

A Routine Physical Saved My Life

John Moisan’s doctor noticed he had lost weight, and insisted he get an abdominal CT scan. They found a pancreatic tumor and he had a pancreatectomy.

Marisa Harris long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer
Survivor Stories
March 15, 2018 • 1 Min

Reimagining the Possible: A 20-Year Survivor of Pancreatic Cancer

Marisa is a 20-year survivor of stage IV pancreatic cancer as of Spring 2018. She focused on those who defied the odds, and now she is thriving.

Pancreatic cancer survivor Nancy Nebenzahl and her husband, daughters plus one son-in-law, and four grandchildren, outside on a lawn
Survivor Stories
March 7, 2018 • 3 Min

Thriving After Surviving Pancreatic Cancer

Nancy Nebenzahl, a sever-year survivor of pancreatic cancer, had a Whipple and a personalized treatment plan. She supplemented this with acupuncture and exercise to ease the side effects.

Yolanda L. Jackson pancreatic cancer survivor
Survivor Stories
February 19, 2018 • 3 Min

Keeping My Promise Led to an Earlier Diagnosis

Yolanda L. Jackson promised her doctor she would get a CT scan of her digestive tract. This led to an early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

Nancy Nebenzahl, a long-term pancreatic cancer survivor
Survivor Stories
February 18, 2018 • 1 Min

Finding Your Own Hope: A Seven-Year Survivor of Pancreatic Cancer

Nancy is a 7-year survivor of pancreatic cancer. Watch the video to hear what she says about battling pancreatic cancer and being a long-term survivor.

Pancreatic cancer patient Mike Levine is on his bicycle during a training session for the Ironman Triathlon.
Survivor Stories
February 6, 2018 • 3 Min

Chemotherapy to Survive; Fitness to Thrive

Mike Levine switched oncologists to find chemotherapy that works on his pancreatic cancer. After that he was able to compete in the Ironman Triathlon.

Pancreatic cancer survivor Leonora Kaufmann
Survivor Stories
January 19, 2018 • 3 Min

Don’t Stop Fighting

Leonora Kaufmann relied on her instinct about pancreatic cancer. Diagnosis at stage I has given her a fighting chance of survival.

Marisa Harris, a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, is seated by a window, with orchids in the background
Survivor Stories
January 18, 2018 • 1 Min

Introducing Long-Term Survivors of Pancreatic Cancer

Let’s Win! Pancreatic Cancer introduces a new series of videos, featuring long-term survivors of the disease. Hear their stories in their own words.

Camille Moses, pancreatic cancer survivor, prepares to ride her bike as part of the Miami Dolphins Cancer Challenge
Survivor Stories
January 8, 2018 • 4 Min

Changing Doctors Changed My Prognosis

When Camille Moses was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she realized she needed a doctor with an attitude that she could beat the disease.

pancreatic cancer patient Judith Glaser
Survivor Stories
December 21, 2017 • 5 Min

Using the Energy Around Me to Help Me Heal

Judith Glaser’s genetic mutation influenced her chemotherapy and radiation treatments, supported by the healing energy of friends.

Pancreatic cancer patient Lee Wonnacott on his motorcycle
Survivor Stories
December 8, 2017 • 5 Min

Quality of Life and Following My Dream

Lee Wonnacott valued his quality of life when he chose treatment for IPMN. Now he rides his motorcycle around the country to honor veterans.

pancreatic cancer long-term survivor Rosemary Buden
Survivor Stories
November 27, 2017 • 2 Min

Very Fortunate to Have the Whipple

Six years after surgery to remove an IPMN neoplasm, Rosemary Buden found out she had pancreatic cancer and needed a Whipple procedure.

Close up of three purple flowers with yellow centers
Survivor Stories
November 10, 2017 • 5 Min

Advocating For My Own Future

Kay Kays is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer who has learned to advocate for herself to get the treatments she needs.

Pancreatic cancer patient Rachel Santmyer-Flores and her daughter
Survivor Stories
October 30, 2017 • 3 Min

Take the Time to Consider Your Options

Rachel Santmyer-Flores decided to look at her options before choosing a clinical trial of PEGPH20 for her pancreatic cancer treatment.

Pancreatic canc er survivor Carolynn Kiel
Survivor Stories
October 17, 2017 • 3 Min

Early Detection Makes All the Difference

Carolynn Kiel lost her mother and sister to pancreatic cancer. Regular screening allowed early detection of her pancreatic cancer.

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