104 Articles
A Clinical Trial Gives Me Hope
When Dennis Rues’s pancreatic cancer recurred, his doctors recommended that he join a clinical trial. Now he’s doing well.
Family, Friends, Hope, Strength, and Prayer
Susan Wells had chemotherapy but her treatment took a detour into more chemo and a clinical trial before she had a Whipple procedure.
Tomorrow Is a New Day
Abby Pezzulo was an active young working mother when she was diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.
My Two-Year Journey with Pancreatic Cancer
When filmmaker Glen Trotiner was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he learned a new meaning for “treatment.”
The Butterfly Effect and Living Every Day to My Fullest
Because Helene Avraham-Katz has the BRCA2 mutation, certain chemotherapies work better and she is eligible for specific clinical trials.
An Unexpected Diagnosis of PNET
Lisa Tayman was surprised to discover that the shoulder pain she had was from a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.
A Life-Saving, Life-Changing Diagnosis
Randi C. Ervin’s primary care doctor suspected she had something more than prediabetes. Testing showed pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.
Going Two Rounds Against Pancreatic Cancer
Anthony Del Russo has battled pancreatic cancer twice, first with chemo and a Whipple, and again with a total pancreatectomy and radiation.
Faith in My Survival
Harry Schlechte had a Whipple procedure for his pancreatic cancer, but he credits his faith for getting him through treatment.
Here Today Because of a Whipple Procedure
Rick Lenert had a Whipple procedure for stage I pancreatic cancer, followed by many complications but he’s here 18 years later enjoying life.
What Caused My Pancreatic Cancer?
Despite no known genetic link, Steven Robinson is the fourth member of his family on his mother’s side to get pancreatic cancer.
Marching On Against Pancreatic Cancer
Chad Handley is facing pancreatic cancer one step at a time–literally. After every chemotherapy he walks to help ease the side effects.
The Importance of Family and Friends
Michael Florio has been able to count on his family and friends to get him to pancreatic cancer treatment and support him through a Whipple procedure.
Sometimes Life Hits You in the Head
Pancreatic cancer survivor William Ramshaw shares his advice about managing life after diagnosis and during treatment for other patients.
Why ME?
Harry Sparks went for a second opinion after he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and was able to have Whipple surgery.