123 Articles

CRISPR-Engineered Immunotherapy for Metastatic GI Tract Cancers
CRISPR technology is used as part of an immunotherapy clinical trial for metastatic pancreatic cancer and other GI cancers.

A Look at MEK and Autophagy Inhibition
Dr. Conan Kinsey looks at the MEK pathway as way to make immunotherapy more effective for pancreatic cancer patients.

Standard Chemotherapy Plus Novel Drugs for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
This trial tests the effectiveness of three different novel drugs, including immunotherapy, added to standard treatment for advanced pancreatic cancer.

Eighteen Important Words to Know if You Have Pancreatic Cancer
When you start pancreatic cancer treatment it seems like everyone is speaking a language you don’t know. Here are 18 important words to help you along.

Targeting Mutant KRAS with Immunotherapy
Dr. Beatriz Carreno explains how her team is targeting the KRAS mutation with a pancreatic cancer vaccine to make the immune system work against cancer.

Combining Two Drugs with Different Approaches to Enhance Treatment
A clinical trial combines epigenetic therapy and immunotherapy to make immunotherapy more effective for patients with pancreatic and bile duct cancers.

Challenge Grant Recipients Moving Forward
The Pancreatic Cancer Collective awarded four teams a second round of New Therapies Challenge Grants, to further develop new pancreatic cancer treatment.