Press Releases
111 articles
Reading the Scientific Study to Understand a Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
How can you tell if a scientific study is good? Learn what to look for in reliable studies and whether there may be a trial to pursue.
Mental Health and Pancreatic Cancer
Dr. William Breitbart provides tips for your mental health during pancreatic cancer treatment, and an explanation of who can provide help.
Learn More About Qualifying for Clinical Trials
Dr. Anup Kasi provides in-depth information and answers questions about qualifying for pancreatic cancer clinical trials.
Managing the Side Effects of Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Chemotherapy side effects can be uncomfortable. Dr. Laleh Melstrom outlines patient options for managing the various side effects for increased quality of life.
Calming the Storm of a Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis
Social worker Angie Heller and caregiver Richard Cohen describe ways patients and loved ones can focus on what matters most after diagnosis.
Comparing the Effectiveness of Vaccine Therapy With or Without Additional Immunotherapy
Can the immunotherapy combination of cancer vaccines and a checkpoint blockade drug work against metastatic pancreatic cancer?