Living with Pancreatic Cancer

730 articles

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July 18, 2019 • 4 Min

The Link Between Depression and Pancreatic Cancer

Drs. Annette Stanton and Michael Irwin outline the links between depression and pancreatic cancer, both as a symptom of the disease and post-diagnosis.

Survivor Stories
April 1, 2016 • 7 Min

Your Survival Depends on Taking Control of What You Can

Sharon Orleans Lawrence outlines her search for stage IV pancreatic cancer treatment. She chooses low-dose chemotherapy, which made her life comfortable.

Survivor Stories
June 12, 2017 • 6 Min

Fighting On To See Her Children Grow Up

Despite aggressive pancreatic cancer, with a BRCA-like genetic mutation, Dr. Jill Pechacek is determined to stay alive to see her children grow up.

Survivor Stories
September 26, 2022 • 9 Min

A Second Opinion Saved My Life!

With encouragement from her husband, Janet McNabb went for a second opinion after a tumor was found on her pancreas.

Survivor Stories
March 16, 2023 • 5 Min

Focus on Joy

Long-term survivor Marisa Harris shares her thoughts on surviving, thriving, and making the most of your time while in treatment.

December 27, 2019 • 5 Min

Chemotherapy: A Key Player in the Battle Against Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Gabriela Chiorean walks us through the different types of chemotherapy treatments for pancreatic cancer and how they work. Join Let’s Win PC in our fight.

December 5, 2017 • 5 Min

The ABCs of Genetic Testing

There are a number of different genetic mutations that can cause familial pancreatic cancer. This article explains some of the most common ones.

December 3, 2020 • 7 Min

Artificial Intelligence and Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer

How can AI be used in the early detection of pancreatic cancer? Dr. Michael Rosenthal reviews the current state of the field.

September 3, 2020 • 6 Min

The Future of Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

Dr. Anil Rustgi discusses the latest developments in pancreatic cancer treatment and the direction of current research in early detection.

Disease Management
September 7, 2018 • 4 Min

Support Groups Provide an Emotional Lift

Social worker Angie Heller knows the value of pancreatic cancer support groups. She leads a group at Columbia University Medical Center’s Pancreas Center.

Survivor Stories
January 24, 2022 • 11 Min

Family, Friends, Hope, Strength, and Prayer

Susan Wells had chemotherapy but her treatment took a detour into more chemo and a clinical trial before she had a Whipple procedure.

Disease Management
June 24, 2020 • 8 Min

At the Table: How to Talk to your Family and Friends about Pancreatic Cancer

David Dessert, Miggie Olsson, and John Moisan share what they learned about how to talk to family and friends about pancreatic cancer.

December 23, 2019 • 5 Min

Looking Back at the Year in Research: 2019

Research highlights of 2019 include: approval of a PARP inhibitor, artificial intelligence to diagnose pancreatic cysts, and updated radiation guidelines.

November 12, 2019 • 6 Min

Using Tumor Tissue Samples to Break Down Assumptions About Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Christine Iacobuzio-Donahue uses tumor tissue samples to study how pancreatic cancer tumors develop, so she can find ways to stop the disease.

October 3, 2018 • 5 Min

Living Longer with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

Dr. Pamela Hodul walks us through different types of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNET) and how rare they are along with the latest treatment options.