New Study to Get More Minorities Involved in Genetic Testing

826 articles

Survivor Stories
July 30, 2019 • 1 Min

Truly Grateful

Cedric Robins, Sr., is truly grateful to be a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. He knew something wasn’t right and he listened to his body.

Survivor Stories
June 12, 2019 • 1 Min

Every Day is a Good Day

Ed Duncan is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. As survivor he has a stronger appreciation for life, and a renewed bond with his wife Kathie.

Survivor Stories
February 22, 2019 • 1 Min

Plenty to Live For

Steven was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer in 2012. Now a long-term survivor, he asked himself “What do I have to live for?” There was plenty.

Survivor Stories
April 28, 2022 • 1 Min

Breathe Happy

When Helene Avraham-Katz was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she and her family made the decision to fight it with everything they could.

Survivor Stories
August 30, 2021 • 1 Min

I’m Going to Live Every Day

Sharon Simone got a second opinion that led to a treatment protocol suited to her BRCA1 mutation. Now she is a long-term survivor.

Survivor Stories
February 20, 2020 • 1 Min

Hope For All Stages

The doctors and researchers at the Penn Pancreatic Cancer Research Center examine different aspects of pancreatic cancer to find better treatments.

Survivor Stories
April 24, 2024 • 4 Min

Don’t Throw In the Towel

Ashley Coker was dealt a double blow–pancreatic cancer and not qualifying for surgery. She did her research and ended up having a pancreatectomy.

May 2, 2024 • 2 Min

Helene Andrews-Polymenis, Ph.D., D.V.M.

A native of the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Helene Andrews-Polymenis earned an A.B. in Biology from Brown University (1989), Ph.D. in Molecular Biology/Microbiology from Tufts University (1999), and a D.V.M. from Texas A&M University (TAMU) in 2001. After completing her postdoctoral training, Dr. Andrews-Polymenis joined the faculty in the Department of Microbial and Molecular Pathogenesis at […]

Survivor Stories
January 4, 2019 • 3 Min

Finding Qualified Doctors Made All the Difference

Lee Ringuette switched doctors to get ones willing to try new treatment protocols so he could have to a Whipple procedure.

March 10, 2017 • 2 Min

Maintenance Chemotherapy for Stable Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

A clinical trial tests the diabetes drug metformin and transplant rejection preventative rapamycin to act as maintenance chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer.

September 26, 2017 • 2 Min

Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, and Radiation for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

A clinical trial combines chemotherapy, immunotherapy, including a pancreas vaccine, and SBRT to stop locally advanced pancreatic cancer.

January 24, 2018 • 2 Min

Chemoradiation Before Tumor Removal to Lessen Possible Post-Surgical Disease

A clinical trial examines the effectiveness of presurgical chemotherapy and radiation in making cancer-free margins after tumor removal.

September 21, 2018 • 2 Min

Personalized Immunotherapy Vaccine for Pancreatic Cancer

Researchers are creating a personalized vaccine to stimulate a pancreatic cancer patient’s immune system after surgery and chemotherapy.

March 5, 2019 • 2 Min

Targeting Cancer-Associated Wasting With Experimental Immunotherapy

Wasting, or cachexia, is the focus of a clinical trial testing a cachexia immunotherapy treatment combined with standard pancreatic cancer treatment.

July 7, 2020 • 2 Min

Slowing the Spread of Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

Researchers are testing a kinase inhibitor that is used to treat lung diseases, including a type of lung cancer, against pancreatic cancer.