Let’s Learn Webinar on Symptoms on March 25th

Let’s Win is hosting the second webinar in its Let’s Learn series of webinars for health care professionals.
The webinar Recognize Symptoms will be held on March 25th. The discussion will focus on common symptoms of pancreatic cancer, and how this combination of symptoms can be a warning sign of pancreatic cancer rather than some other illness. For high-risk people, this information is particularly important.
The webinar will be moderated by BRCA advocate Erika Stallings and will feature Dr. Valerie Antoine-Gustave, a gastroenterologist, and pancreatic cancer survivor Angella Dixon-Watson.
About 60,000 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer each year in the U.S., and the rate of occurrence is slightly higher in Blacks than any other group. The five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is about 10%, in part because the disease is often diagnosed at an advanced stage. This is because tumors are not found on a physical exam and the symptoms mimic many other more common conditions.
By learning more about the risk factors and recognizing the group of symptoms, health care professionals can increase a patient’s chance of an earlier diagnosis, which leads to more treatment options and a better survival rate.
The recording of the first webinar, Learn the Risk Factors, is available for viewing and the presentation in available to download in English and Spanish.
The final webinar in the series, Find Treatment Options, on April 29th, will discuss the latest treatment options, the importance of genetic testing and molecular profiling, and why clinical trials are so important for pancreatic cancer patients.
The information in these webinars can help you learn to recognize who is at risk of developing pancreatic cancer, when a patient needs further testing, and the best treatment options.
Register here to join the next webinar.