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There are currently 12 Terms in this directory beginning with the letter D.
Deep margin status
The presence or absence of cancer cells in the normal-looking tissue under a tumor that is removed by surgery.
Diabetes mellitus
Disease in which the body does not effectively control the amount of sugar in the blood, resulting in high levels; it occurs when the body does not produce enough or any insulin or does not use it properly.
Distal pancreatectomy
Surgical procedure in which the tail and body of the pancreas are removed, usually along with the entire spleen; sometimes, part of the body of the pancreas can be preserved.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
The molecule in the cell nucleus that carries the instructions for making living organisms.
Drug interaction
A change in the way a drug acts or works in the body when it is taken with another drug or substance; the interaction can cause unwanted effects.