Survivor Videos
Let's Win is proud to showcase videos of the many pancreatic cancer survivors who want to share their inspiring stories with you. Watch these videos to learn more about their incredible journeys.
85 Articles

The Optimist
Roxanne Waling is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, and she credits her integrative oncology team for helping her through.

Catching Up With Survivors
How are some of our long-term survivors doing? Roberta Luna, Steven Merlin, Camille Moses, Ed Duncan, and Laurie MacCaskill tell all.

Looking Forward to Tomorrow
Earl Groce is a long-term survivor of stage IV pancreatic cancer. He credits the clinical trial he was on with giving him time.

Never Ever Ever Give Up
Lynne Holcomb turned to a clinical trial when standard treatment was not stopping her stage IV pancreatic cancer.

Another Chance at Life
Molecular profiling of long-term survivor Roy Vinke’s tumor and found a mismatch repair deficiency, which changed his treatment.

The Mother I’ve Always Wanted To Be
Despite a long struggle with pancreatic cancer, long-term survivor Elizabeth O’Connor wants as much time as possible with her children.

Breathe Happy
When Helene Avraham-Katz was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she and her family made the decision to fight it with everything they could.

Whatever It Takes To Get Through This
Pancreatic cancer long-term survivor Joel Weiss was treated in New York because the treatment he wanted was not available in Canada at that time.

I Didn’t Expect to Be Doing This
Sheila Sky Kasselman, a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, started a foundation to help others after recovering from Whipple surgery.

If You Believe You Can Do This . . .
Barry Hendrickson spent much of his career helping cancer patients with hair loss, but he never expected to be in their shoes.

Let’s Win! Pancreatic Cancer Survivors Series—Year Five
Every year, long-term survivors share their inspiring stories about surviving pancreatic cancer and thriving after.

I’m Still Here
As a five-year pancreatic cancer survivor, Angella Dixon-Watson considers it her mission to educate others about this disease.

I Made It
Long-term survivor Carolynn Kiel lost her mother and sister to pancreatic cancer, so she learned to stay vigilant,

Surviving and Thriving
When long-term survivor Chris Joseph found out his tumor had a specific defect it changed his treatment plan.

I’m Going to Live Every Day
Sharon Simone got a second opinion that led to a treatment protocol suited to her BRCA1 mutation. Now she is a long-term survivor.