29 Articles

Combining Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer
Researchers are combining immunotherapy and targeted therapy in a clinical trial for pancreatic cancer patients on platinum-based chemotherapy.

PARP Inhibitors for Pancreatic Cancer Maintenance Treatment
Dr. Kim Reiss Binder is leading a clinical trial of maintenance treatment with the PARP inhibitor rucaparib, for patients who carry the BRCA mutation.

Which Is the Best Screening Method for Pancreatic Cancer?
Dr. Aimee Lucas outlines the pros and cons of various screening methods that can be used for pancreatic cancer, and who should be using them.

A Maintenance Trial for Patients with BRCA or PALB2 Mutations
A clinical trial examines whether the PARP inhibitor rucaparib can work as a maintenance drug for pancreatic cancer patients with BRCA or PALB2 mutations.

Treating BRCA-Negative Pancreatic Cancer Patients with a Family Cancer History Similar to BRCA Carriers
A clinical trial looks at the effectiveness of a PARP inhibitor in BRCA-negative pancreatic cancer patients with a family history BRCA-type cancers.

Comparing a Standard Chemotherapy With and Without a PARP Inhibitor
A clinical trial compares standard chemotherapy with and without the addition of a PARP inihibitor, for patients whose pancreatic cancer is spreading again.

A New Drug Combination to Control Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
A clinical trial for pancreatic cancer patients with the BRCA mutation tests the effectiveness of standard treatment plus a PARP inhibitor.

A Novel Combination to Slow Pancreas Tumors that Cannot Be Surgically Removed
Can a combination of standard drugs, a PARP inhibitor, and intensity modulated radiation therapy to slow pancreatic tumor growth?

Exploring the Effectiveness of an Experimental Class of Drug
Does adding a PARP inhibitor drug to standard treatment help control the spread of advanced pancreatic cancer in patients with the BRCA mutation?

Maintenance Chemotherapy Trial for Pancreatic Cancer Patients with the BRCA Mutation
A clinical trial for patients with BRCA mutations uses a PARP inhibitor as part of the maintenance chemotherapy experimental treatment.