
35 Articles

Long-term survivor Abby Pezzulo and her family
Survivor Stories
May 9, 2024 • 1 Min

Better Than Ever

Long-term survivor Abby Pezzulo’s children very young when she was diagnosed with PNET, so she focused on them and her husband to get through.

Dr. Kelsey Klute
April 3, 2024 • 6 Min

Slowing the Growth of One Type of Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumor

Dr. Kelsey Klute explains the advantages of the radiopharmaceutical lutetium Lu 177 dotatate treatment for certain neuroendocrine tumors.

Pancreatic cancer patient Lalenya Robertson and her husband
Survivor Stories
February 20, 2024 • 3 Min

A Life-Changing Diagnosis: My PNET

Lalenya Robertson’s stomach problems were a mystery until she mentioned family members’ pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis. Diagnosis: PNET.

Pablo Rodriguez y su familia
Survivor Stories
July 24, 2023 • 6 Min

A Two-Part Journey, So Far

Three years after surgery to remove a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor from the tail of his pancreas, Pablo Rodriguez was shocked to discover the cancer had returned.

pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor histopathology stained.
July 19, 2023 • 2 Min

Chemotherapy Regimen for Post-Surgery PNET Patients

Will a chemotherapy combination be effective against PNET after high-grade tumors are surgically removed? A clinical trial takes a closer look.

Long-term survivor Randi Ervin and her sister
Survivor Stories
February 23, 2023 • 1 Min

Own Your Health Care Journey

Randi Ervin is a long-term survivor of PNET who stresses the importance of taking care of your mental health during ongoing treatment.

lab and hands in blue gloves working with a syringe.
February 14, 2023 • 2 Min

Brain Cancer Vaccine for Metastatic PNET

Researchers are testing a vaccine for PNET that targets a protein that is very abundant in many neuroendocrine tumors.

Pancreatic cancer patient Burt Rosen and family
Survivor Stories
January 24, 2023 • 7 Min

Learning All I Can About PNET

Burt Rosen received a double whammy diagnosis of PNET and kidney cancer, but he’s determined to learn as much as he can about his disease.

slide of pancreatic cancer near a nerve
December 8, 2022 • 4 Min

What Is Pancreatic Cancer?

Learn more about the main different types of pancreatic cancer–adenocarcinoma and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.

Long-term PNET survivor Tom Dinwiddie
Survivor Stories
October 17, 2022 • 1 Min

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

When long-term survivor Tom Dinwiddie was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer he found doctors willing to treat him.

pancreatic cancer patient Robin Schroeder
Survivor Stories
July 11, 2022 • 8 Min

Changing My Life for the Better

Robin Schroeder was an avid runner before her pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor diagnosis. Now she’s back competing in half-marathons.

Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor patient Robert Girdwain and his wife
Survivor Stories
April 22, 2022 • 5 Min

Facing Ongoing Treatment for PNET

An inspiring story of faith about patient Robert Girdwain who is facing ongoing treatment for his PNET (pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor). Learn more here.

Black and white photo of vials of water with black tops
April 6, 2022 • 2 Min

Testing a Thyroid Cancer Drug to Treat Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

Researchers are testing a thyroid drug to see if it is effective against pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, among other cancers.

Abby Pezzulo and family
Survivor Stories
January 7, 2022 • 4 Min

Tomorrow Is a New Day

Abby Pezzulo was an active young working mother when she was diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.

pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor patient Lisa Tayman and family
Survivor Stories
September 9, 2021 • 6 Min

An Unexpected Diagnosis of PNET

Lisa Tayman was surprised to discover that the shoulder pain she had was from a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.