55 Articles
Keeping My Promise Led to an Earlier Diagnosis
Yolanda L. Jackson promised her doctor she would get a CT scan of her digestive tract. This led to an early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Don’t Stop Fighting
Leonora Kaufmann relied on her instinct about pancreatic cancer. Diagnosis at stage I has given her a fighting chance of survival.
Quality of Life and Following My Dream
Lee Wonnacott valued his quality of life when he chose treatment for IPMN. Now he rides his motorcycle around the country to honor veterans.
Very Fortunate to Have the Whipple
Six years after surgery to remove an IPMN neoplasm, Rosemary Buden found out she had pancreatic cancer and needed a Whipple procedure.
Pancreatic Cancer Caught Early by Chance
Sandra Wilke chose her pancreatic cancer treatment of chemotherapy and pancreatectomy with an eye to her quality of life. She joined the tumor registry to learn more and help others.
Pancreatic Cancer Found By Chance
Barry Reiter’s pancreatic cancer was found during a presurgical MRI for prostate cancer. Now he had a bigger battle on his hands.
Fighting On To See Her Children Grow Up
Despite aggressive pancreatic cancer, with a BRCA-like genetic mutation, Dr. Jill Pechacek is determined to stay alive to see her children grow up.
Buying Time for Another Clinical Trial
Richard Valdes has alternated standard pancreatic cancer treatments with clinical trials of immunotherapy and a pancreatic vaccine during his treatment.
Why You Need This Simple Blood Test at Diagnosis
An important factor in determining which treatment to use for pancreatic cancer patients is measuring the level of tumor marker CA-19-9. Learn more here.
A 10-Year Survivor’s Story
Howard Ebert, a 10-year survivor of pancreatic cancer, describes his treatment. He underwent surgery and then chemotherapy and radiation.