108 Articles

Plenty to Live For
Steven was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer in 2012. Now a long-term survivor, he asked himself “What do I have to live for?” There was plenty.

Genomic Profiling of my Pancreatic Cancer Gave me a New Lease on Life
When standard treatment did not work for Roy Vinke, he had genomic profiling done. A mutation was found, changing his treatment plan.

Hope on the Horizon
In this Survivors Series—Year Two video, meet the doctors and researchers working to find new treatments and early screening tests for pancreatic cancer.

My Whipple Surgery for Pancreatic Cancer
In 1968 Bob Harris had a then-rare operation for pancreatic cancer: the Whipple surgery. Despite the side effects Bob has thrived.

The Positive Impact of a Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trial
Richard Blish was a healthy, athletic 67-year-old when he developed symptoms of pancreatic cancer. His daughter steered him to a clinical trial for treatment.

Living with Pancreatic Cancer as a Long-Term Survivor
Roberta Luna has been fighting pancreatic cancer since 2002, but the disease has been part of her life for much longer. Read about her battle.

Before And After: My Pancreatic Cancer
Randall Swan did his homework on the best treatments and clinical trial options in order to do battle with pancreatic cancer.

Embracing Optimism
Laurie MacCaskill is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. She followed a personalized treatment plan, and focused her energy on remaining optimistic.

Another Day to Live
Marc Binder is living with stage IV pancreatic cancer, thanks to a personalized treatment plan that allows him to keep active.

One of the Luckiest Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer Patients Ever
Despite Stage IV diagnosis, Earl Groce got lucky with a quick diagnosis and acceptance to a clinical trial. Read Earl’s story about hope and a brighter future.

Listen to Your Body
When Roxanne Waling discovered she had pancreatic cancer she underwent genetic testing. She found she was a BRCA2 carrier, which influenced her post-treatment decisions about her health.

Reimagining the Possible to Survive Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer
Marisa Harris was given a devastating diagnosis of stage IV pancreatic cancer. She tapped the power within herself, as well as chemotherapy, to become a long-term survivor.

Advocating For My Own Future
Kay Kays is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer who has learned to advocate for herself to get the treatments she needs.

Early Detection Makes All the Difference
Carolynn Kiel lost her mother and sister to pancreatic cancer. Regular screening allowed early detection of her pancreatic cancer.

Luck, Grit, and Support
Joel Weiss had to travel from his home in Toronto to New York City to get the NanoKnife treatment he wanted for his pancreatic cancer.