
122 Articles

DNA image
November 22, 2021 • 2 Min

Using Molecular Tumor Profiling to Determine the Best Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

A clinical trial looks at whether molecular subtyping of tumors is effective in determining the best pancreatic cancer treatment.

pancreatic cancer patient Francois
Survivor Stories
November 12, 2021 • 6 Min

Taking Life with Pancreatic Cancer One Day at a Time

François has been taking chemotherapy for his pancreatic cancer treatment and living one day at a time, to make the most of his life.

pancreatic cancer patient Rita Krueger, her husband and dog
Survivor Stories
November 1, 2021 • 4 Min

Choosing the Right Doctor

Rita Krueger made an important decision that changed her pancreatic cancer treatment when she got a second opinion.

photo of the mineral bismuth
Survivor Stories
July 21, 2021 • 2 Min

The Importance of a Good Treatment Team

Wayne Mullis credits his treatment team with choosing the best pancreatic cancer treatment for him and for helping him through treatment.

pancreatic cancer patient Michael Francis in a field of roses
Survivor Stories
February 17, 2021 • 3 Min

Time and Hope

Rose farmer Michael Francis wanted more time with his family, so he joined a clinical trial to treat his stage III pancreatic cancer.

pancreatic cancer patient Steven Robinson and his wife
Survivor Stories
January 22, 2021 • 6 Min

What Caused My Pancreatic Cancer?

Despite no known genetic link, Steven Robinson is the fourth member of his family on his mother’s side to get pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer patient Chad Handley, his family and dogs, outdoors with fallend leaves
Survivor Stories
December 11, 2020 • 8 Min

Marching On Against Pancreatic Cancer

Chad Handley is facing pancreatic cancer one step at a time–literally. After every chemotherapy he walks to help ease the side effects.

Dr. Laleh Melstrom, oncologist
Disease Management
November 24, 2020 • 5 Min

Managing the Side Effects of Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy side effects can be uncomfortable. Dr. Laleh Melstrom outlines patient options for managing the various side effects for increased quality of life.

black and white image of laboratory equipment
October 16, 2020 • 2 Min

Attacking Cancer’s Key Mechanisms to Treat Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

A clinical trial for patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer uses the new drug SM-88 in combination with other agents, to attack the tumor metabolism.

microscope image of zebrafish scales in blues and greens
September 22, 2020 • 2 Min

Safety and Effectiveness of a New Drug for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

Researchers are testing dose safety and effectiveness of a new drug for pancreatic cancer, in combination with gemcitabine.

Pancreatic cancer patient Tammy Richardson and family at a fundraising walk
Survivor Stories
July 23, 2020 • 5 Min

Planning Every Day to Live

Tammy Richardson has focused her pancreatic cancer treatment choices on maintaining her quality of life, so she can travel and see family.

Image of a cancer drug target visualized at the atomic level
July 7, 2020 • 2 Min

Slowing the Spread of Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

Researchers are testing a kinase inhibitor that is used to treat lung diseases, including a type of lung cancer, against pancreatic cancer.

red tops and black tops of new beakers against a silver background
June 11, 2020 • 3 Min

Chemotherapy Plus Minimally Invasive Surgery for Pancreatic Cancer

Researchers want to know if irreversible electroporation (IRE) makes it easier for chemotherapy to reach pancreatic cancer cells.

Fractal flame ribbons in whte and red on a black background
May 15, 2020 • 2 Min

Targeted Therapy to Inhibit Connective Tissue Growth in Pancreatic Cancer

Researchers are testing a new antibody, a type of targeted therapy, in combination with standard treatment for pancreatic cancer in a phase III trial.

Pancreatic cancer patient Robert Weker in Florence, Italy, along the river
Survivor Stories
March 18, 2020 • 9 Min

Picking a Clinical Trial for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

When Robert Weker was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he believed a clinical trial was his best chance of reducing the tumor enough for a Whipple.