
138 Articles

magnified image of nanowires looking like central clusters with wires coming from them in white against a blue background
Disease Management
April 14, 2016 • 5 Min

Three Ways to Be your Own Best Health Advocate

Leslie Michelson recommends putting together a health care team of friends, advocates and physicians for the best possible care after a cancer diagnosis.

Anne Glauber, pancreatic cancer patient
Survivor Stories
April 5, 2016 • 3 Min

Working with Oncologists Willing to Take Risks

Anne Glauber chooses the new science of slow dosing of chemotherapy for her pancreatic treatment. She looks to developing science for future treatments.

Pancreatic Cancer patient Sharon Orleans Lawrence and her daughter
Survivor Stories
April 1, 2016 • 7 Min

Your Survival Depends on Taking Control of What You Can

Sharon Orleans Lawrence outlines her search for stage IV pancreatic cancer treatment. She chooses low-dose chemotherapy, which made her life comfortable.