21 Articles

Using AI to Create a Better Test to Predict Pancreatic Cancer Progression
Dr. Dan Theodorescu is using AI to isolate more effective biomarkers than the CA 19-9 test to track pancreatic cancer progression.

Triple Immunotherapy Shows Dramatic Results
Dr. William Freed-Pastor is testing a combination of three types of immunotherapy to attack pancreatic tumors.

Identifying Biomarkers for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer
A clinical trial for at-risk people is looking for biomarkers that can indicate pancreatic cancer is growing.

AACR Annual Meeting 2021 Highlights
Let’s Win and the Lustgarten Foundation bring you the pancreatic cancer research highlights of the 2021 AACR Annual Meeting,

A Year in Review: 2020
In March 2020, life as we knew it changed. The way we work, the way we gather, the way we each live our daily lives all felt upended, seemingly overnight. The global pandemic of COVID-19 affected everything, including cancer care and research. COVID-19 brought new risks to cancer patients, whose immune systems are compromised from […]

Artificial Intelligence and Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer
How can AI be used in the early detection of pancreatic cancer? Dr. Michael Rosenthal reviews the current state of the field.

PATHFINDER Blood Test Trial Focused on Early Detection
Dr. Minetta Liu is part of the team conducting a clinical trial to find biomarkers that will become an easy blood test for pancreatic cancer.

Canadian Study NeoPancONE Focuses on Biomarker Validation
Dr. Jennifer Knox is leading the NeoPancONE trial for a biomarker that indicates which patients will respond better to certain chemotherapy before surgery.

Searching for Potential Pancreatic Cancer Blood Biomarkers
Researchers are using blood samples to follow people considered at risk for developing pancreatic cancer in a trial looking for early detection biomarkers.

Pancreatic Cancer Patients in the UK Benefit From Unique Precision Medicine Project
Dr. David Chang explains the Precision Panc initiative, a program through the UK’s NHS that helps pancreatic cancer patients find treatments.

Genetic Testing Can Help Those You Love
Dr. Fay Kastrinos, director of the Muzzi Mirza Pancreatic Cancer Prevention and Genetics Program at Columbia University Medical Center, explains the value of genetic testing for cancer prevention and treatment.

A Simple Blood Test for Early Detection of Eight Cancers Shows Promise
Dr. Anne Marie Lennon explains the CancerSEEK blood test, a liquid biopsy in clinical trials for early detection of eight cancers, including pancreatic.