498 articles
Newly Diagnosed
What to Do If You Have Recently Been Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer You or someone you love has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Now what? First, know that you are not alone in this overwhelming moment. No one should have to face pancreatic cancer without trusted resources and hope. Let’s Win is a go-to guide […]
Personalizing Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Dr. Mark Ricigliano takes a closer look at the genetics of circulating tumor cells, to personalize pancreatic cancer treatment for the best results.
The Cancer Moonshot
Dr. Elizabeth Jaffee of Johns Hopkins is part of the Cancer Moonshot’s Blue Ribbon Panel, and she explains the goals of the program.
Pancreatic Cancer Exceptional Responders and the Immune System Link
Dr. Vinod Balachandran looks at the immune system of exceptional responders–patients who respond extremely well to chemotherapy–for treatment clues.
Platform Trial Design Aims to Get Information Quickly and Efficiently
Dr. Eugene Koay is leading a platform trial, for a more nimble way to adapt to participants’ response to treatments being tested.
Let’s Win: Innovative Online Community Offers Guidance to Patients With Pancreatic Cancer and Their Families
The ASCO Post, a news publication of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, features Let’s Win and its mission to help pancreatic cancer patients.
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
During the March 2020 PancChat, pancreatic cancer experts discussed treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic, along with other important issues for patients.
Meet the Researcher: Arnav Mehta, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Arnav Mehta combines mathematics and medicine in his search to improve options for gastrointestinal cancer patients. Learn about his groundbreaking work.
Integrative Oncology Explained
Dr. Santosh Rao believes in the value of integrative oncology, which treats the whole person, not just the patient.
Why End-of-Life Conversations Matter—and How to Have Them
Social worker Lauren Shaffer and palliative care specialist Dr. Dawn Gross discuss how to have difficult conversations about end-of-life care and wishes.
Using AI to Create a Better Test to Predict Pancreatic Cancer Progression
Dr. Dan Theodorescu is using AI to isolate more effective biomarkers than the CA 19-9 test to track pancreatic cancer progression.
Roberta Luna Gets Real about Pancreatic Cancer
Long-term survivor Roberta Luna has channeled her passion for pancreatic cancer advocacy into a weekly podcast featuring patients, advocacy, medical professionals and more.
Frequently Asked Questions About Pancreatic Cancer
Have you or someone you love just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? Learn some basic facts about this disease from our FAQ.