Our extensive collection of web-based and other resources for patients, families, and caregivers provides easy access to information on a wide variety of subjects related to pancreatic cancer. The resources are reviewed and updated periodically to ensure they are current.
- Advocacy
- Caregiver Information
- Clinical Trials
- Complementary and Integrative Therapies
- Diet and Nutrition
- Financial Assistance
- General Cancer Organizations and Information
- Insurance Issues and Copay Assistance Programs
- Legal Assistance
- Pain Management
- Prescription Assistance
- Publications
- Support
- Transportation and Lodging
Accessia Health
Accessia Health pioneered the patient assistance model for people living with chronic medical conditions. We provide financial assistance to pay for prescriptions, medical treatments and expenses, and insurance premiums. Our program services include healthcare education, specialized legal services, and case management.
American Bar Association: Directory of Pro Bono Services
The American Bar Association provides an interactive listing of pro bono programs throughout the US.
Cancer Legal Resource Center (CLRC)
The CLRC provides information through its national telephone assistance line, outreach programs, and community activities to educate and support cancer patients, their families, healthcare professionals, and advocates on matters like maintaining employment through treatment, accessing healthcare and government benefits, taking medical leave, and estate planning.
Health Law Advocates
Health Law Advocates provides high quality, free legal assistance to income-eligible Massachusetts residents having difficulty accessing health care or health insurance coverage, or with unaffordable medical debt.
LawHelp provides referrals to local legal aid and public interest law offices, basic information about legal rights, court forms, self-help information, court information, links to social service agencies, and more in all 50 states.
National Cancer Legal Services Network
The National Cancer Legal Services Network, part of Triage Cancer, promotes access to healthcare and seeks to increase the availability of legal services for people living with cancer, their families, and caregivers.
Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF)
The Patient Advocate Foundation is a national nonprofit organization which provides professional case management services to Americans with chronic, life-threatening, and debilitating illnesses. They work with insurers, employers, and/or creditors to resolve insurance, job retention, and/or debt crisis matters related to healthcare.
Social Security Disability Resource Center
The goal of SSDRC is to inform readers as to how the disability process works. This includes discussion of the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability, the medical and non-medical criteria that are considered to evaluate claims, and the actual process that is employed when cases are approved or denied at different levels of the disability system. The site is published, edited, and maintained by former disability claims examiner Tim Moore.