Survivor Stories
546 articles
You Can Overcome It
When Camille Moses was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she was told to go home to die. She got a second opinion and is now a 7-year survivor.
You Can Beat the Odds
Richard Blish, a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, was directed to a clinical trial by his immunologist daughter. The trial saved his life.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
When long-term survivor Tom Dinwiddie was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer he found doctors willing to treat him.
I Can Really Do This
William Ramshaw suffered serious infections during treatment for pancreatic cancer, but grit got him through as a long-term survivor.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Randall Swan says he could not have made it through pancreatic cancer treatment, including a clinical trial, without the support of his wife.
You Can Be the Outlier
When long-term survivor Leanne Pierce was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer, she knew she wanted to be around for her young sons.
Do What Makes You Happy
When Rich Grodin was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he and his wife Staci teamed up to find the best treatments and doctors.
Truly Grateful
Cedric Robins, Sr., is truly grateful to be a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. He knew something wasn’t right and he listened to his body.
My Life is Good Now
When Malcolm Robertson was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he already knew he carried the BRCA2 mutation.
I’m Still Here
As a five-year pancreatic cancer survivor, Angella Dixon-Watson considers it her mission to educate others about this disease.
Listen to the Patient
Long-term survivor Michael Whalen is here because he pushed his doctors to follow up on his concern about possibly having pancreatic cancer.
Steely Strength to Keep Going
Long-term survivor Davi D’Agostino discovered she carries the BRCA2 mutation, which changed her treatment plan to targeted therapy.
Better Than Ever
Long-term survivor Abby Pezzulo’s children very young when she was diagnosed with PNET, so she focused on them and her husband to get through.
Gratitude is the Divine Attitude
Long-term survivor Alan Nathanson credits humor, determination, and the support of his wife for his pancreatic cancer survival.
I’m Going to Beat This
Amy Zaterman is a long-term survivor who relied on her mother for support during treatment for stage IV pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.