Survivor Stories

555 articles

Survivor Stories
February 24, 2022 • 1 Min

I Didn’t Expect to Be Doing This

Sheila Sky Kasselman, a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, started a foundation to help others after recovering from Whipple surgery.

Survivor Stories
January 21, 2021 • 1 Min

What Will You Do With Your Dash?

G. Paris Johnson is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. She is now focused on advocacy and making the most of her life.

Survivor Stories
May 7, 2021 • 1 Min

My Strength Comes From My Mother

Kim Vernick credits her mother for passing on the strength and positivity she has needed as a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
February 23, 2023 • 1 Min

Own Your Health Care Journey

Randi Ervin is a long-term survivor of PNET who stresses the importance of taking care of your mental health during ongoing treatment.

Survivor Stories
May 10, 2023 • 1 Min

Find the Joy in Your Life Every Day

Long-term survivor Donna Robinson decided to focus on joy rather than fear during treatment for pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
May 20, 2020 • 5 Min

Chicken Enchiladas and Pancreatic Cancer

For William Ramshaw, a typical meal of Mexican food led to a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, including a Whipple procedure and chemoradiation.

Survivor Stories
January 19, 2017 • 3 Min

I Have Pancreatic Cancer; It Does Not Have Me

Bill Shrieves was ready to start a clinical trial for pancreatic cancer when it was found to have spread. He was successfully treated with FOLFIRINOX.

Survivor Stories
May 4, 2017 • 5 Min

A Clinical Trial Matches My Genetics

Steven Merlin learned that he carried the BRCA2 mutation after he developed pancreatic cancer. He researched and found a clinical trial for BRCA carriers.

Survivor Stories
October 4, 2017 • 5 Min

Luck, Grit, and Support

Joel Weiss had to travel from his home in Toronto to New York City to get the NanoKnife treatment he wanted for his pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
June 6, 2019 • 5 Min

Younger Brother’s Pancreatic Cancer Leads to Regular Screening for his Oldest Brother

When Scott Nelson was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, oldest brother Steve began regular screening, which lead to his early diagnosis.

Survivor Stories
August 23, 2018 • 1 Min

Don’t Believe the Odds

Anne Seagren is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. Chemotherapy shrank her tumor and made her eligible for a Whipple procedure.

Survivor Stories
June 17, 2016 • 3 Min

When You Embrace the Enemy, It Changes Everything

Larry Clark describes how pancreatic cancer changed his retirement. He has pursued clinical trials as he faces recurring pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
July 16, 2019 • 6 Min

My Journey Through Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer

When Chris Parrish was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer, she searched for a program and treatment plan until she found a place that gave her hope.

Survivor Stories
January 22, 2021 • 6 Min

What Caused My Pancreatic Cancer?

Despite no known genetic link, Steven Robinson is the fourth member of his family on his mother’s side to get pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
September 8, 2017 • 4 Min

Celebrating My 5th Anniversary As a Survivor

Scott Hirshey traveled from Detroit to Houston for a Whipple procedure to work with doctors who have expertise in treating pancreatic cancer.