Genetic Mutations

359 articles

Having a genetic mutation can make all the difference in treatment choices, and even longer-term survival. Learn more about the importance of genetic testing and molecular profiling.

May 25, 2021 • 2 Min

PARP Inhibitor as Maintenance for Pancreatic Cancer Patients with BRCA1, BRCA2, or PALB2 Mutations

A new clinical trial tests a PARP inhibitor as maintenance treatment for pancreatic cancer patients with BRCA1/2 or PALB2 mutations.

July 27, 2023 • 4 Min

New Study Targets Specific BRAF Mutation

One type of BRAF mutation may provide a target for treatment in pancreatic cancer patients, explains Dr. Michael Pishvaian.

September 18, 2017 • 4 Min

A Registry for Those at Risk for Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Robert Kurtz founded the Pancreatic Tumor Registry at Memorial Sloan Kettering to learn more about the genetic mutations that cause pancreatic cancer.

January 22, 2019 • 4 Min

A PARP Inhibitor Approval for Pancreatic Cancer

PARP inhibitors, a type of targeted therapy, are being studied as treatment for pancreatic cancer in a number of clinical trials.

March 26, 2019 • 4 Min

Damage as a Way to Repair Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Talia Golan takes a closer look at the damage caused by the BRCA1/2 mutations to find a way to treat pancreatic cancer.

January 31, 2020 • 7 Min

Taking a Systems Biology Approach to Find a New Pancreatic Cancer Target

Dr. Andrea Califano is using systems biology and cell regulators to find new targets in the search for ways to stop pancreatic cancer cells.

December 5, 2023 • 4 Min

CRISPR: A New Tool to Help Understand Cancer-Linked Mutations

Lukas Dow, Ph.D., is using CRISPR technology to find better ways to fight cancer by editing the genome.

November 7, 2022 • 6 Min

Putting Familial Risk In Perspective

Dr. Alison Klein works to understand the relationship between familial risk and the chances of developing pancreatic cancer.

October 22, 2019 • 2 Min

Searching for Potential Pancreatic Cancer Blood Biomarkers

Researchers are using blood samples to follow people considered at risk for developing pancreatic cancer in a trial looking for early detection biomarkers.

Survivor Stories
February 17, 2023 • 5 Min

Reeducating Myself About Pancreatic Cancer

Martin Hynes knew all about pancreatic cancer–as a research director he worked on the development of Gemzar. He was able to have a Whipple and is doing well.

July 26, 2016 • 2 Min

Maintenance Chemotherapy Trial for Pancreatic Cancer Patients with the BRCA Mutation

A clinical trial for patients with BRCA mutations uses a PARP inhibitor as part of the maintenance chemotherapy experimental treatment.

April 29, 2021 • 3 Min

Chemotherapy Plus Stem Cell Infusion and Vitamins for BRCA Mutated Pancreatic Cancer

A clinical trial for pancreatic cancer patients with a BRCA mutation uses a combination of chemotherapy, vitamins, and stem cells.

Survivor Stories
April 11, 2024 • 5 Min

Genetic Testing Changed My Chemo Protocol

Greg Jacobson’s family has an extensive history of cancer. After a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, genetic testing found the mutation for Lynch syndrome.

June 30, 2023 • 5 Min

ASCO 2023: Pancreatic Cancer Research Update

The pancreatic cancer research reports from ASCO 2023 focused on different chemotherapy combinations, including immunotherapy.

March 2, 2018 • 4 Min

Molecular Profiling: Getting to Know Your Tumor

Dr. Johanna Bendell explains the value of molecular profiling, which can indicate the best type of chemotherapy for your tumor.