Diabetes and Other Diseases

623 articles

September 10, 2019 • 4 Min

CAR T Cell Trial Targets Mesothelin

In an immunotherapy clinical trial, Dr. Mark O’Hara is using CAR T cells to attack mesothelin-expressing tumor cells in pancreatic cancer.

July 21, 2016 • 5 Min

Patient-Focused Research to Better Understand Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Diane Simeone stresses the importance of research and clinical trials to get better results for pancreatic cancer patients.

Survivor Stories
November 1, 2021 • 4 Min

Choosing the Right Doctor

Rita Krueger made an important decision that changed her pancreatic cancer treatment when she got a second opinion.

March 23, 2021 • 4 Min

Tumor Staging and Pancreatic Cancer

What is tumor staging and how does it affect treatment? Dr. Shubham Pant helps explain how pancreatic cancer tumors are staged and graded.

February 14, 2018 • 4 Min

A Simple Blood Test for Early Detection of Eight Cancers Shows Promise

Dr. Anne Marie Lennon explains the CancerSEEK blood test, a liquid biopsy in clinical trials for early detection of eight cancers, including pancreatic.

May 1, 2018 • 3 Min

Collaborative Multi-Center Immunotherapy Trial Targets CD40 and PD-1

Dr. Mark O’Hara outlines a collaborative clinical trial of two immunotherapy agents–a checkpoint inhibitor and a monoclonal antibody–plus standard chemotherapy.

March 26, 2019 • 4 Min

Damage as a Way to Repair Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Talia Golan takes a closer look at the damage caused by the BRCA1/2 mutations to find a way to treat pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
November 15, 2022 • 3 Min

Advocating for My Husband has Made the Difference

Nora Mendez had to learn how to advocate for her husband Hector to get him the best possible treatment for stage IV pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
April 3, 2019 • 4 Min

Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer Lead to Marathoning

Rob Stuardi had three bouts of pancreatitis before he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He shares his joy of recovery running marathons to raise money for research.

February 23, 2022 • 5 Min

Platform Trial Design Aims to Get Information Quickly and Efficiently

Dr. Eugene Koay is leading a platform trial, for a more nimble way to adapt to participants’ response to treatments being tested.

Disease Management
September 7, 2018 • 4 Min

Support Groups Provide an Emotional Lift

Social worker Angie Heller knows the value of pancreatic cancer support groups. She leads a group at Columbia University Medical Center’s Pancreas Center.

Disease Management
April 11, 2019 • 4 Min

Handling the Changes Cancer Brings to Your Lifestyle

Drs. Sunil Hingorani and David Zhen discuss ways to handle lifestyle changes including work and diet during pancreatic cancer treatment.

Disease Management
June 3, 2019 • 5 Min

Reading the Scientific Study to Understand a Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

How can you tell if a scientific study is good? Learn what to look for in reliable studies and whether there may be a trial to pursue.

Survivor Stories
March 29, 2023 • 4 Min

A Second Opinion Felt Right

Bonnie Dahl considered treatment for stage I pancreatic cancer near home but felt a second opinion and a bigger cancer center were important.

Disease Management
March 28, 2018 • 4 Min

Scanxiety—A Nearly Universal Experience Among Cancer Patients

Social worker Lauren Shaffer provides tips and insights into managing scanxiety, the worry that accompanies follow-up scans and tests for cancer patients.