Survivor Stories

Read about the treatment experiences of pancreatic cancer survivors, including what worked, the doctors or facilities they worked with, and more.

345 Articles

World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition logo
October 29, 2020 • 3 Min

Meet the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition

The World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition shows there is power when advocacy groups join together for the cause: World Pancreatic Cancer Day.

Ken vickers family2019
Survivor Stories
October 23, 2020 • 1 Min

Every Day is a Gift

Kenny Vickers traveled a long road to recovery after what he thought was an ulcer turned out to be pancreatic cancer. Now he is a long-term survivor.

Pancreatic cancer patient Barbara Washburn
Survivor Stories
October 21, 2020 • 2 Min

A Heart Scan Finds Pancreatic Cancer

Barbara Washburn went for a heart scan because of a family history of heart disease. She never expected the scan to find neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer!

pancreatic cancer patient Anthony Rafaniello and his grandsons
Survivor Stories
October 8, 2020 • 3 Min

Diagnosed Early

Because Anthony Rafaniello had recurring pancreatitis, he paid close attention when he started to feel sick. The result: pancreatic cancer diagnosed early.

pancreatic cancer patient William Ramshaw
Patient Voices
October 5, 2020 • 5 Min

Sometimes Life Hits You in the Head

Pancreatic cancer survivor William Ramshaw shares his advice about managing life after diagnosis and during treatment for other patients.

pancreatic cancer patient Kelly Pankratz and her family
Survivor Stories
September 25, 2020 • 10 Min

Unexpected Blessings From My Pancreatic Cancer

Kelly Pankratz says she has been graced with unexpected blessings in her pancreatic cancer journey, which includes pancreatectomy surgery.

pancreatic cancer patient Catalina Lulley
Survivor Stories
September 14, 2020 • 4 Min

Choosing Chemo Because I Want to Live

After doing poorly on her first chemotherapy treatments, Catalina Lulley switched doctors because she is determined to survive pancreatic cancer.

pancreatic cancer survivor Enrico Crisafi and his wife
Survivor Stories
September 11, 2020 • 1 Min

Don’t Be Silent

Long-term survivor Enrico Crisafi knew something was wrong for months before he got a PET scan and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

pancreatic cancer survivor Enrico Crisafi and his wife
Survivor Stories
August 31, 2020 • 4 Min

Confidence in My Treatment

After he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, retired 9/11 first responder Enrico Crisafi found a doctor he believed in, and who believed in him.

pancreatic cancer survivor Miggie Olsson and her husband Tom
Survivor Stories
August 27, 2020 • 1 Min

Watch Me

Miggie Olsson was not willing to accept that nothing could be done for her stage IV pancreatic cancer. She was determined to be a long-term survivor.

pancreatic cancer patient Gina Harrison and her grandsons
Survivor Stories
August 18, 2020 • 4 Min

The Value of Molecular Profiling and Genetic Testing

Gina Harrison underwent molecular profiling of her pancreatic tumor, which led her to a clinical trial. Genetic testing showed her BRCA1 mutation was random.

pancreatic cancer patient Harry Sparks and family
Survivor Stories
August 5, 2020 • 3 Min

Why ME?

Harry Sparks went for a second opinion after he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and was able to have Whipple surgery.

Pancreatic cancer patient Tammy Richardson and family at a fundraising walk
Survivor Stories
July 23, 2020 • 5 Min

Planning Every Day to Live

Tammy Richardson has focused her pancreatic cancer treatment choices on maintaining her quality of life, so she can travel and see family.

long-term survivor Diane Borrison
Survivor Stories
July 22, 2020 • 1 Min

Individuals Can Make a Difference

As a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer Diane Borrison realized that it was important for her to become a committed advocate for this disease.

illustration of a green round table with orange chairs
Patient Voices
July 20, 2020 • 9 Min

At the Table: Taking Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Pancreatic cancer survivors discuss the different ways they are being careful to avoid catching COVID-19 during the pandemic.

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