70 Articles

Let’s Win Pancreatic Cancer Introduces New Features to Help Patients
In a new press release, Let’s Win introduces new features to help patients, including a Trial Finder and a Doctor Finder.

Introducing Our Updated Navigation
Introducing our new navigation, making it easier for patients and caregivers to find the resources they need.

Introducing the Let’s Win Trial Finder
Let’s Win now has an on-site Trial Finder! Our new Trial Finder allows patients and caregivers to search for trials on their own or with a Trial Navigator.

Let’s Win in a Spectrum News NY1 Report for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Cindy Gavin and Dr. Allyson Ocean appeared in a Spectrum News NY1 report on a pancreatic cancer patient, for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.

Let’s Win Pancreatic Cancer Launches Updated Spanish Platform
Let’s Win is proud to announce the launch of it’s updated Spanish platform, with all the new features of the updated English platform.

When Certain Chemotherapy Drugs Are in Short Supply
It’s been all over the news–some chemotherapy drugs are in short supply. Dr. Allyson Ocean explains a doctor’s options in these situations.

No Longer a Death Sentence
Dr. Allyson Ocean and Cindy Gavin discuss the mission of Let’s Win to raise awareness of the treatment options for pancreatic cancer.

Let’s Win Pancreatic Cancer Launches an Updated Platform
Let’s Win Pancreatic Cancer has launched its new website, with more ways for patients and caregivers to find important information they need.

Research Suggests Twitter as a Powerful Tool to Drive Awareness about Pancreatic Cancer
Research analysis of PancChat shows the power of the Twitter chat to raise awareness about pancreatic cancer.

Let’s Learn Webinar on Clinical Trials on October 28th
Join Let’s Win for a webinar on the Importance of Clinical Trials, to learn more about participating in a trial as part of treatment.

PancChat Featured in a Journal Article
PancChat co-host Dr. Niraj Gusani has coauthored an article about the advantages of social media for oncology surgeons.

Let’s Win has reached its 5th anniversary. Read about our development and what we have accomplished in 5 short years.

Let’s Win Turns 5!
Let’s Win has reached its 5th anniversary! We have grown, with more than 500 original stories about treatments and trials to help patients.

Should Cancer Patients Get the COVID-19 Vaccine? Yes!
Should pancreatic cancer patients get the COVID-19 vaccine? According to the experts, yes, and as soon as they can.