
108 Articles

long-term survivor Sheriff Errol Toulon and his son
Survivor Stories
November 30, 2023 • 1 Min

Appreciation for Humanity

Dr. Errol D. Toulon, Jr., is an example of resiliency, as a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Long term pancreatic cancer survivor Julie Lopp and her family
Survivor Stories
October 26, 2023 • 1 Min

Leave No Stone Unturned

Long-term survivor Julie Lopp was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she told her friends that all she wanted was more of every single day.

Long-term pancreatic cancer survivor Anthony Del Russo
Survivor Stories
September 28, 2023 • 1 Min

Embrace All the Good Things

After two bouts with pancreatic cancer, long-term survivor Anthony Del Russo embraces all the good in life with his family and friends.

Survivor Stories
August 25, 2023 • 1 Min

Listen to the Patient

Long-term survivor Michael Whalen is here because he pushed his doctors to follow up on his concern about possibly having pancreatic cancer.

Donna Robinson and family
Survivor Stories
August 17, 2023 • 4 Min

One of the Biggest Tumors They Had Ever Seen

Pancreatectomy surgery to remove her cancer was Donna Robinson’s goal, despite having one of the largest tumors her doctors had ever seen.

Long-term survivor Alan Nathanson and family
Survivor Stories
July 20, 2023 • 1 Min

Gratitude is the Divine Attitude

Long-term survivor Alan Nathanson credits humor, determination, and the support of his wife for his pancreatic cancer survival.

Pancreatic cancer survivor Dr. Errol Toulon Jr., Sheriff of Suffolk County
Survivor Stories
June 27, 2023 • 6 Min

A Fighting Spirit

Resilience best describes Dr. Errol D. Toulon, Jr., a long-term survivor of lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, and a heart emergency.

Long-term survivor Steven Lewis and his wife
Survivor Stories
June 14, 2023 • 1 Min

Bold, Aggressive, Decisive, and Rapid

Long-term survivor Steven Lewis credits the support of family for getting him through aggressive treatment when his pancreatic cancer came back.

Donna Robinson and family
Survivor Stories
May 10, 2023 • 1 Min

Find the Joy in Your Life Every Day

Long-term survivor Donna Robinson decided to focus on joy rather than fear during treatment for pancreatic cancer.

Long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer Camille Moses and Dr. Peter Hosein
Survivor Stories
April 20, 2023 • 1 Min

New and Wonderful Things

Long-term survivor Camille Moses updates Let’s Win on her activities as an advocate for research funding and patients in treatment.

Long-term survivor William Ramshaw and family
Patient Voices
March 24, 2023 • 6 Min

What Is It Going to Take to Stop Pancreatic Cancer? A 10-Year Survivor’s Perspective

Survivor William Ramshaw reflects on the need for more research into treatments and early detection tests for pancreatic cancer.

Long-term survivor Eric Borden
Survivor Stories
March 23, 2023 • 1 Min

Hope is Everything You Have

Long-term survivor Eric Borden believes in the importance of advocating for yourself with your doctors; if he hadn’t he might not be here.

Marisa Harris and grandkids
Survivor Stories
March 16, 2023 • 5 Min

Focus on Joy

Long-term survivor Marisa Harris shares her thoughts on surviving, thriving, and making the most of your time while in treatment.

Long-term survivor Randi Ervin and her sister
Survivor Stories
February 23, 2023 • 1 Min

Own Your Health Care Journey

Randi Ervin is a long-term survivor of PNET who stresses the importance of taking care of your mental health during ongoing treatment.

long-term survivor Jay Bozick and his horse
Survivor Stories
January 17, 2023 • 1 Min

You Can Do Anything

Long-term survivor Jay Bozick carries the BRCA2 mutation, which has made newer treatments an option for his pancreatic cancer.