54 Articles
Pancreatic Cancer Research Builds Upon Strengths
The September 2023 AACR Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer focused on the latest research in KRAS, chemotherapy, and cachexia, among other topics.
“Radical Collaboration” to Find Cures for the Deadliest Cancers
Break Through Cancer was founded to promote collaboration between major research institutions, in order to develop cures for the deadliest cancers.
ASCO 2023: Pancreatic Cancer Research Update
The pancreatic cancer research reports from ASCO 2023 focused on different chemotherapy combinations, including immunotherapy.
Research and Other Highlights from the 2023 AACR Annual Meeting
The 2023 AACR meeting focused on the latest research into KRAS, other immunotherapy approaches, and honored Dr. Elizabeth Jaffee.
Newly Discovered Protein Complex in RAS Pathway May Provide a Treatment Target
Dr. Andrew Aguirre and other researchers from Dana-Farber and the Broad Institute are looking at the RAS pathway for a new target.
Report Highlights Potential of TCR Therapy
Read about the potential of TCR therapy, a technique used with success for one pancreatic cancer patient in a groundbreaking immunotherapy clinical trial.
Lustgarten–AACR Name Career Development Award Winners
The Lustgarten Foundation and AACR announced the winners of the 2022 Ruth Bader Ginsburg and John Robert Lewis Career Development Awards.
New Immunotherapy Strategy Aimed at High-Risk Population
Dr. Neeha Zaidi is the lead investigator of an immunotherapy trial using a vaccine for people at high risk for pancreatic cancer.
KRYSTAL-1 Trial Shows Promising Activity in Pancreas and Other GI Cancers
Dr. Tanios Bekaii-Saab reports promising results of the KRYSTAL-1 trial, which targets a KRAS mutation common to pancreatic cancer.
PanCAN 2021 Annual Scientific Summit
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) held its annual scientific summit for an overview of the latest research projects they are funding.
The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Virtual Special Conference: Pancreatic Cancer Day Two
Let’s Win and the Lustgarten Foundation bring you the highlights from Day Two of the AACR special conference on pancreatic cancer.
The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Virtual Special Conference: Pancreatic Cancer Day One
Let’s Win and the Lustgarten Foundation present highlights of Day One of the AACR Virtual Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer.
An Update on Vitamin C and Cancer
Vitamin C can have a positive impact on pancreatic cancer treatments. Read the latest research on vitamin C’s role in the fight against pancreatic cancer.
Targeting the Undruggable KRAS Protein
Dr. Shubham Pant is focusing his research on effective treatments for the KRAS mutation, found in 90% of pancreatic cancers.
Finding More Clues about Circulating Tumor DNA
Researcher Dr. Gehan Botrus looks at circulating tumor DNA for genetic information on a patient’s pancreatic cancer to personalize treatment.