124 Articles

Taking Chances to Beat Pancreatic Cancer
With a family history of pancreatic cancer, Jay Bozick discovered he carries the BRCA2 mutation, which directed his treatment.

NAPOLI-3 Trial Meets Primary Endpoint in Metastatic Disease
Dr. Tanios Bekaii-Saab explains the early positive results from the NAPOLI-3 clinical trial, testing the NALIRIFOX combination.

Being Persistent Led to my Cancer Diagnosis
Rod Devlin wasn’t getting an answer to his pain but he was persistent until he finally found a doctor that would give him a scan.

Urinary Tract Scans Lead to My Diagnosis
Ellen Robbins has the BRCA2 mutation, and that allowed her to participate in a clinical trial for her pancreatic cancer.

I Thought it Was a Stomach Bug
Robert Gamble thought he had a stomach bug, but it turned out to be pancreatic cancer. He needed surgery and chemotherapy.

Managing Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer with Chemotherapy and Diet
A new clinical trial looks at a special diet that tries to curb a patient’s metabolism to slow cancer growth during chemotherapy.

Hypertension Drug as Part of First-Line Treatment for Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer
Researchers are testing if the addition of a hypertension drug to standard treatment will be more effective for advanced pancreatic cancer.

A Changing Treatment Plan
Shawnee Daniels-Sykes and her doctors have been changing her treatment plan to match her stage IV pancreatic cancer.

Taking a Chance on a Clinical Trial
Reesa Levy traveled to find the right pancreatic cancer doctor for her, and then joined a clinical trial for a vaccine.

The Benefit of Multiple Clinical Trials
Dr. Ira Sharp knew that his best bet for surviving pancreatic cancer was to look for clinical trials as part of his treatment.

Cherishing the Simple Things
Elizabeth O’Connor has a PALB2 genetic mutation so her stage IV pancreatic cancer has responded to immunotherapy.

Endurance Athlete Enduring Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
After a stage IV pancreatic cancer diagnosis, Dr. Kevin Moore had cytoreductive surgery to remove the metastases in his abdomen.

A Clinical Trial Gives Me Hope
When Dennis Rues’s pancreatic cancer recurred, his doctors recommended that he join a clinical trial. Now he’s doing well.

Family, Friends, Hope, Strength, and Prayer
Susan Wells had chemotherapy but her treatment took a detour into more chemo and a clinical trial before she had a Whipple procedure.

Learning to Recognize the Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer
Recognizing the symptoms of pancreatic cancer is key to early detection. Laura Metzger’s story illustrates the importance of detecting pancreatic cancer early.