498 articles
mRNA Vaccine Shows Promising Results
Dr. Vinod Balachandran is testing an mRNA vaccine for pancreatic cancer using the same technology as COVID vaccines.
Surveillance Improves Outcomes for High-Risk Patients
Dr. Michael Goggins provides results for the CAPS5 pancreatic cancer surveillance and screening study for patients at high risk.
Let’s Win Receives Biden Cancer Initiative FIERCE Award
Let’s Win! Pancreatic Cancer Foundation is the inaugural winner of the Biden Cancer Initiative FIERCE Award for “Leadership through Exemplary and Awesome Purpose (LEAP).”
COVID-19 and Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials
How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting clinical trials? Learn more about what steps are being taken to protect patients on trials, plus more.
No Time to Wait: UK Pancreatic Cancer Patients Struggle with Treatment and Diagnostic Delays
Peter De Rosa of Pancreatic Cancer UK provides an update on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted pancreatic cancer patients in the UK.
Instagram Live with Dr. Allyson Ocean and Andrew Rakeman, Ph.D.
Dr. Allyson Ocean and Andrew Rakeman, Ph.D., got together on Instagram Live to discuss pancreatic cancer, risks, symptoms, and research.
The Importance of Clinical Trials Webinar
The fourth Let’s Learn webinar features a discussion between patients and doctors about the value of clinical trials.
For Tommy Thompson, the Commitment to Pancreatic Cancer Research Is Personal
Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson is an advocate for pancreatic cancer research because he lost both his brothers to the disease.
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