498 articles
KRYSTAL-1 Trial Shows Promising Activity in Pancreas and Other GI Cancers
Dr. Tanios Bekaii-Saab reports promising results of the KRYSTAL-1 trial, which targets a KRAS mutation common to pancreatic cancer.
Let’s Win Launches Online Video Series Featuring Long-Term Pancreatic Cancer Survivors
Meet long-term survivors of pancreatic cancers, in our new Survivors Video Series. The introductory video was launched in January at a cancer symposium.
Let’s Win! Pancreatic Cancer Unveils Spanish-Language Website To Connect Latinos With Pancreatic Cancer Information, Resources, And Community
Let’s Win! Pancreatic Cancer announces a Spanish-language platform to connect the Latino community to pancreatic cancer resources in Spanish.
Meet the Researcher: Jeffrey Patterson-Fortin, M.D., Ph.D.
Researcher Dr. Jeffrey Patterson-Fortin focuses on DNA damage repair as he looks for better pancreatic cancer treatments.
Testing a New Immunotherapy Combo in Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
Researchers are testing an approved immunotherapy drug with a new drug that works on T cells to make it more effective for pancreatic cancer.
I’m a Person, Not a Diagnosis
Burt Rosen discusses his life with PNET, making sure he is a person, and more than his diagnosis.