Risk Factors

424 articles

January 27, 2023 • 6 Min

Research Updates from ASCO GI 2023

Read the latest clinical trial and research updates from the 2023 ASCO GI meeting, including a review of genetic testing uptake.

Disease Management
February 28, 2023 • 4 Min

Integrative Oncology Explained

Dr. Santosh Rao believes in the value of integrative oncology, which treats the whole person, not just the patient.

Survivor Stories
March 23, 2023 • 1 Min

Hope is Everything You Have

Long-term survivor Eric Borden believes in the importance of advocating for yourself with your doctors; if he hadn’t he might not be here.

July 27, 2023 • 4 Min

New Study Targets Specific BRAF Mutation

One type of BRAF mutation may provide a target for treatment in pancreatic cancer patients, explains Dr. Michael Pishvaian.

August 14, 2023 • 2 Min

Targeting Pancreatic Cancer Cell Growth

Researchers are testing a new drug targeting cell growth in solid tumors, including pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
August 25, 2023 • 1 Min

Listen to the Patient

Long-term survivor Michael Whalen is here because he pushed his doctors to follow up on his concern about possibly having pancreatic cancer.

September 5, 2023 • 3 Min

Phase II mRNA Vaccine Trial Opens

The mRNA vaccine phase II clinical trial, led by Dr. Vinod Balachandran, has opened at Memorial Sloan Kettering, with other locations soon to come.

Disease Management
September 8, 2023 • 6 Min

All About End-of-Life Planning: Difficult Conversations

Do you know how to prepare for end-of-life? Do you want to make it easier on your family? Dr. Dawn Gross provides some planning guidelines.

September 21, 2023 • 2 Min

Testing the Addition of a New Drug to Radiation Therapy for Localized Pancreatic Cancer

In combination with radiation treatment, researchers are testing a new drug that causes DNA damage to make that treatment more effective.

Survivor Stories
September 28, 2023 • 1 Min

Embrace All the Good Things

After two bouts with pancreatic cancer, long-term survivor Anthony Del Russo embraces all the good in life with his family and friends.

October 25, 2023 • 3 Min

Potential Therapy Takes a Two-Prong Attack on Pancreatic Cancer

With a focus on targeting cell metabolism, Dr. Anup Kasi leads a clinical trial of a new agent in combination with gemcitabine.

Clinical Trials
November 7, 2023 • 2 Min

A New Approach to Immunotherapy for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

Will a new type of immunotherapy help prevent tumors from developing resistance to chemotherapy? Research is underway.

Survivor Stories
November 30, 2023 • 1 Min

Appreciation for Humanity

Dr. Errol D. Toulon, Jr., is an example of resiliency, as a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Survivor Stories
December 20, 2023 • 1 Min

Let’s Win Pancreatic Cancer Survivors Series—Year Seven

Our Survivors Video Series is entering Year Seven with even more inspiring stories of taking on pancreatic cancer and life.

Survivor Stories
January 19, 2024 • 1 Min

Steely Strength to Keep Going

Long-term survivor Davi D’Agostino discovered she carries the BRCA2 mutation, which changed her treatment plan to targeted therapy.