Press Releases
111 articles
Two Types of Immunotherapy for Surgically Removable Pancreatic Cancer
A clinical trial compares the effectiveness of two different types of immunotherapy with standard treatment after pancreatic cancer surgery.
Testing the Safety of a New Chemotherapy and Radiation Combination
A clinical trial tests the effectiveness of adding PEGPH20 to standard chemotherapy and radiation in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer.
Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, and Radiation for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
A clinical trial combines chemotherapy, immunotherapy, including a pancreas vaccine, and SBRT to stop locally advanced pancreatic cancer.
Helping Some Types of Chemotherapy Penetrate Pancreatic Tumors
A clinical trial looks at the effectiveness of PEGPH20 in helping chemotherapy penetrate the stroma of pancreatic tumors, to make them removable.
Newly Discovered Protein Complex in RAS Pathway May Provide a Treatment Target
Dr. Andrew Aguirre and other researchers from Dana-Farber and the Broad Institute are looking at the RAS pathway for a new target.
Personalizing Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Dr. Mark Ricigliano takes a closer look at the genetics of circulating tumor cells, to personalize pancreatic cancer treatment for the best results.