Personalized Treatment Plans

496 articles

May 13, 2022 • 4 Min

Understanding Distal Pancreatectomy

Distal pancreatectomy is another type of surgery used to remove tumors. Learn more and if you may qualify for this surgery.

Survivor Stories
April 2, 2016 • 2 Min

A 10-Year Survivor’s Story

Howard Ebert, a 10-year survivor of pancreatic cancer, describes his treatment. He underwent surgery and then chemotherapy and radiation.

Survivor Stories
January 24, 2024 • 4 Min

Don’t Give Up

Joe Pearson responded so well to chemotherapy that even with a stage III tumor near a blood vessel he was able to have Whipple surgery.

Survivor Stories
July 18, 2016 • 3 Min

The Alien Inside Me

Kim Vernick details the clinical trial and surgery used to treat her pancreatic cancer. When the cancer returns she explains the treatment she got.

Survivor Stories
August 26, 2016 • 3 Min

Making a Risky Choice

Judith Zitiello’s pancreatic cancer was wrapped around the hepatic artery, but she chose the laparoscopic Whipple procedure instead of chemotherapy alone.

Survivor Stories
October 5, 2016 • 4 Min

With No Family History of Cancer, Surprised By the Diagnosis

Marianne, a nurse, went to a hospital that specializes in cancer. A liquid biopsy will determine the next step in her treatment.

April 5, 2016 • 2 Min

Combining Gene Therapy with Current First-line Treatments for Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

Gene therapy combined with standard first-line chemotherapy treatment forms a clinical trial for metastatic pancreatic cancer.

Disease Management
October 8, 2018 • 7 Min

Medical Marijuana: More Science Could Help Clear the Air

What’s the scoop on medical marijuana? Legal? Helpful? Find the most up-to-date information on what it is approved for, and where the research is going.

Survivor Stories
May 30, 2017 • 3 Min

Pancreatic Cancer Leads to a New Direction

After Sheila Sky Kasselman recovered from pancreatic cancer treatment, she became a pancreatic cancer activist, determined to help find more treatments.

Survivor Stories
May 22, 2018 • 7 Min

One of the Luckiest Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer Patients Ever

Despite Stage IV diagnosis, Earl Groce got lucky with a quick diagnosis and acceptance to a clinical trial. Read Earl’s story about hope and a brighter future.

Survivor Stories
July 19, 2017 • 5 Min

Hope and a Chance to Fight

Irwin Greenblatt just wanted a chance, so after Whipple surgery he agreed to join a chemotherapy clinical trial. His wife Audrey tells their story.

June 6, 2016 • 2 Min

Patients Needed for Clinical Trial/Research Study of Treatment Targeting Immune System

A clinical trial seeks pancreatic cancer patients with the MSI (microsatellite instability) genetic signature, to test an immunotherapy drug.

Survivor Stories
October 17, 2017 • 3 Min

Early Detection Makes All the Difference

Carolynn Kiel lost her mother and sister to pancreatic cancer. Regular screening allowed early detection of her pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
September 26, 2022 • 9 Min

A Second Opinion Saved My Life!

With encouragement from her husband, Janet McNabb went for a second opinion after a tumor was found on her pancreas.

Survivor Stories
June 11, 2021 • 2 Min

Faith in My Survival

Harry Schlechte had a Whipple procedure for his pancreatic cancer, but he credits his faith for getting him through treatment.