Survivor Stories

552 articles

Disease Management
June 3, 2019 • 5 Min

Reading the Scientific Study to Understand a Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

How can you tell if a scientific study is good? Learn what to look for in reliable studies and whether there may be a trial to pursue.

Disease Management
January 29, 2021 • 8 Min

Cancer Commons: Democratizing Cancer Care

Do you need a different treatment for your pancreatic cancer? Lola Rahib explains how Cancer Commons Virtual Tumor Board works for patients.

Disease Management
October 14, 2021 • 5 Min

Mental Health and Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. William Breitbart provides tips for your mental health during pancreatic cancer treatment, and an explanation of who can provide help.

February 9, 2022 • 5 Min

Understanding Who Is at High Risk for Pancreatic Cancer

Who is high-risk for pancreatic cancer? Oncologist Dr. Matthew Yurgelun explains high-risk populations and what steps to take if you meet the criteria.

Disease Management
August 25, 2022 • 4 Min

Calming the Storm of a Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis

Social worker Angie Heller and caregiver Richard Cohen describe ways patients and loved ones can focus on what matters most after diagnosis.

August 14, 2019 • 5 Min

The Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer Connection

Professor Dr. Suresh Chari explains the link between newly on-set diabetes as an indication of pancreatic cancer. Read Dr. Chari’s findings to learn more.

April 3, 2016 • 2 Min

Comparing the Effectiveness of Vaccine Therapy With or Without Additional Immunotherapy

Can the immunotherapy combination of cancer vaccines and a checkpoint blockade drug work against metastatic pancreatic cancer?

September 15, 2022 • 2 Min

Willa Shalit

Willa Shalit—artist, author, social entrepreneur and philanthropist—uses art and media to achieve social change. Willa is Founding Partner in the consulting firm Road to Market where she leads cause-related and corporate marketing and communications projects. She brought women’s economic opportunity into post-conflict zones and communities devastated by natural disasters, working with Palestinian and Israeli women, […]

October 31, 2016 • 2 Min

Using a Vitamin to Make Low-Dose Chemotherapy More Effective

A clinical trial compares the effectiveness of low-dose continuous chemotherapy with and without high doses of vitamin C.

January 16, 2017 • 2 Min

Comparing a Standard Chemotherapy With and Without a PARP Inhibitor

A clinical trial compares standard chemotherapy with and without the addition of a PARP inihibitor, for patients whose pancreatic cancer is spreading again.

April 18, 2017 • 2 Min

Testing a Signal-Inhibiting Drug on Tumors with Specific Mutations

A new drug for certain tumor mutations is being tested in a type of clinical trial called a basket trial, which matches tumor genetics and drugs.

August 30, 2017 • 2 Min

More Effective Focused Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

A clinical trial tests whether adding Zometa makes chemotherapy and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) more effective against pancreatic cancer.

December 16, 2020 • 6 Min

Cachexia Research Gaining Momentum

Why do pancreatic cancer patients lose weight even if they are eating well? Dr. Teresa Zimmers explains the syndrome called cachexia.

December 13, 2017 • 2 Min

Treating Tumors Before Pancreatic Cancer Surgery

Can neoadjuvant treatment such as chemoradiation make pancreatic cancer removal surgery more effective? That is the question asked by this clinical trial.

May 15, 2019 • 5 Min

Representing Genetic and Clinical Diversity in Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Kentaro Sudo explores the possible causes for different responses to drugs among ethnic groups, pointing to the need for clinical diversity in trials.