Maintenance Treatment

460 articles

Survivor Stories
May 30, 2017 • 3 Min

Pancreatic Cancer Leads to a New Direction

After Sheila Sky Kasselman recovered from pancreatic cancer treatment, she became a pancreatic cancer activist, determined to help find more treatments.

Survivor Stories
May 22, 2018 • 7 Min

One of the Luckiest Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer Patients Ever

Despite Stage IV diagnosis, Earl Groce got lucky with a quick diagnosis and acceptance to a clinical trial. Read Earl’s story about hope and a brighter future.

Survivor Stories
July 19, 2017 • 5 Min

Hope and a Chance to Fight

Irwin Greenblatt just wanted a chance, so after Whipple surgery he agreed to join a chemotherapy clinical trial. His wife Audrey tells their story.

June 6, 2016 • 2 Min

Patients Needed for Clinical Trial/Research Study of Treatment Targeting Immune System

A clinical trial seeks pancreatic cancer patients with the MSI (microsatellite instability) genetic signature, to test an immunotherapy drug.

Survivor Stories
October 17, 2017 • 3 Min

Early Detection Makes All the Difference

Carolynn Kiel lost her mother and sister to pancreatic cancer. Regular screening allowed early detection of her pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
May 7, 2024 • 5 Min

Leaning into the Fight: My Battle with Pancreatic Cancer

Despite an extensive family history of pancreatic cancer, Deanna Burney’s doctors did not keep a close eye on her pancreatic cyst.

Survivor Stories
August 17, 2023 • 4 Min

One of the Biggest Tumors They Had Ever Seen

Pancreatectomy surgery to remove her cancer was Donna Robinson’s goal, despite having one of the largest tumors her doctors had ever seen.

Survivor Stories
September 26, 2022 • 9 Min

A Second Opinion Saved My Life!

With encouragement from her husband, Janet McNabb went for a second opinion after a tumor was found on her pancreas.

Survivor Stories
June 11, 2021 • 2 Min

Faith in My Survival

Harry Schlechte had a Whipple procedure for his pancreatic cancer, but he credits his faith for getting him through treatment.

Survivor Stories
April 3, 2019 • 4 Min

Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer Lead to Marathoning

Rob Stuardi had three bouts of pancreatitis before he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He shares his joy of recovery running marathons to raise money for research.

Survivor Stories
April 29, 2019 • 3 Min

Surviving a Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor

Lisa Beckendorf was suprised to find out that the cause of her digestive troubles was a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET).

January 29, 2018 • 5 Min

The Stroma Presents Challenges and Treatment Opportunities

Dr. Elizabeth Jaffee explains how researchers are approaching penetrating the fibrous stroma around pancreatic tumors, which has long challenged treatment.

August 17, 2017 • 2 Min

Presurgical Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer That Is Removable

A clinical trial looks at immunotherapy plus vitamin D plus standard chemotherapy before surgery to remove pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
September 9, 2021 • 6 Min

An Unexpected Diagnosis of PNET

Lisa Tayman was surprised to discover that the shoulder pain she had was from a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.

January 5, 2023 • 1 Min

Treatments and Clinical Trials

Let’s Win and the National Alliance for Hispanic Health’s Nuestras Voces program cosponsored a webinar about treatments and clinical trials.