Clinical Trials

502 articles

Participating in clinical trials can give you access to the latest treatments for pancreatic cancer.

March 26, 2019 • 4 Min

Damage as a Way to Repair Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Talia Golan takes a closer look at the damage caused by the BRCA1/2 mutations to find a way to treat pancreatic cancer.

June 23, 2017 • 4 Min

Targeted Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Margaret Tempero outlines the work being done in the area of targeted therapy for pancreatic cancer, specifically the testing of ibrutinib.

September 1, 2021 • 5 Min

Targeting the Undruggable KRAS Protein

Dr. Shubham Pant is focusing his research on effective treatments for the KRAS mutation, found in 90% of pancreatic cancers.

Survivor Stories
March 27, 2020 • 1 Min

You Can Win This Fight

Rachel Moreno credits long-term survivor status to her choice to move to her son’s in Michigan for treatment, where she found a doctor and a clinical trial.

Disease Management
October 8, 2018 • 7 Min

Medical Marijuana: More Science Could Help Clear the Air

What’s the scoop on medical marijuana? Legal? Helpful? Find the most up-to-date information on what it is approved for, and where the research is going.

March 31, 2017 • 4 Min

Clinical Trial of Immunotherapy Plus Sunshine Vitamin May Help in Pancreatic Cancer Fight

Can vitamin D make it easier for chemotherapy drugs to reach the pancreatic cancer tumor? A clinical trial is testing this idea.

May 29, 2020 • 5 Min

Eighteen Important Words to Know if You Have Pancreatic Cancer

When you start pancreatic cancer treatment it seems like everyone is speaking a language you don’t know. Here are 18 important words to help you along.

Survivor Stories
December 14, 2016 • 5 Min

Finding a Treatment Geared to My Cancer

Samuel Chi describes his search for a pancreatic cancer treatment that allows him to live comfortably and reduce his tumor so he can have surgery.

August 9, 2022 • 4 Min

mRNA Vaccine Shows Promising Results

Dr. Vinod Balachandran is testing an mRNA vaccine for pancreatic cancer using the same technology as COVID vaccines.

September 2, 2022 • 4 Min

Finding the Best Diabetes Drug for Pancreatic Cancer Patients

With all the various drugs out there, Dr. James Flory wants to establish which diabetes drug works best for pancreatic cancer patients. Read his expert advice.

August 2, 2022 • 3 Min

Pancreatic Cancer Basics

Learn the Basics Getting diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is overwhelming. Besides not feeling well, you are thrown into a world with treatments, procedures, and words you don’t know, while facing major decisions and a very serious disease. Here you can find comprehensive explanations, including different treatments and questions to ask. To learn more about first […]

June 8, 2021 • 4 Min

Crafting a Medical Family Tree

Dr. Diane Simeone and genetic counselor Jessica Everett explain why it is important to create a medical family tree for pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
September 13, 2022 • 7 Min

Catching Up With Survivors

How are some of our long-term survivors doing? Roberta Luna, Steven Merlin, Camille Moses, Ed Duncan, and Laurie MacCaskill tell all.

Survivor Stories
January 19, 2024 • 1 Min

Steely Strength to Keep Going

Long-term survivor Davi D’Agostino discovered she carries the BRCA2 mutation, which changed her treatment plan to targeted therapy.

Survivor Stories
January 19, 2017 • 3 Min

I Have Pancreatic Cancer; It Does Not Have Me

Bill Shrieves was ready to start a clinical trial for pancreatic cancer when it was found to have spread. He was successfully treated with FOLFIRINOX.