Family History

411 articles

Survivor Stories
December 14, 2016 • 5 Min

Finding a Treatment Geared to My Cancer

Samuel Chi describes his search for a pancreatic cancer treatment that allows him to live comfortably and reduce his tumor so he can have surgery.

Survivor Stories
December 27, 2016 • 4 Min

Chemotherapy Makes Tumor Removal Possible

Anne Seagren In December of 2006 at the age of 56 I became aware of a slight pressure in my side. I decided to follow up with my doctor. She recommended a CT scan to see if I had gallstones or appendicitis. The pressure subsided and I considered ignoring her advice. Fortunately, I went ahead […]

Survivor Stories
February 6, 2018 • 3 Min

Chemotherapy to Survive; Fitness to Thrive

Mike Levine switched oncologists to find chemotherapy that works on his pancreatic cancer. After that he was able to compete in the Ironman Triathlon.

Survivor Stories
May 30, 2017 • 3 Min

Pancreatic Cancer Leads to a New Direction

After Sheila Sky Kasselman recovered from pancreatic cancer treatment, she became a pancreatic cancer activist, determined to help find more treatments.

Survivor Stories
June 5, 2018 • 3 Min

Another Day to Live

Marc Binder is living with stage IV pancreatic cancer, thanks to a personalized treatment plan that allows him to keep active.

Survivor Stories
September 4, 2018 • 5 Min

Picking the Right Team

Brigitte Régnier found a treatment team that was using an unusual approach of giving chemoradiation before surgery for pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
September 28, 2018 • 6 Min

A Charley Horse Led to Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Discovery

Mark Head thought he had a Charley horse, but it turned out to be a more serious deep vein thrombosis. A scan for the source found a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.

Survivor Stories
August 25, 2017 • 4 Min

Far More Time than I Originally Expected

After a Whipple procedure, SBRT, and chemotherapy, Robert Glazier is staying informed about treatment options for pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
September 21, 2017 • 3 Min

Always Looking for a Cure

Linda Milazzo had a couple of bouts of pancreatitis before being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Read about her treatment path.

Survivor Stories
November 27, 2017 • 2 Min

Very Fortunate to Have the Whipple

Six years after surgery to remove an IPMN neoplasm, Rosemary Buden found out she had pancreatic cancer and needed a Whipple procedure.

Survivor Stories
March 5, 2020 • 2 Min

Facing Life’s Challenges

The first time John Sherry faced pancreatic cancer he had part of his pancreas removed; the second time he had a Whipple procedure.

Survivor Stories
January 4, 2019 • 3 Min

Finding Qualified Doctors Made All the Difference

Lee Ringuette switched doctors to get ones willing to try new treatment protocols so he could have to a Whipple procedure.

Survivor Stories
January 30, 2019 • 6 Min

Choosing the Strongest Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer

Miriam Hermosa decided to take advantage of her relatively good health and try pancreatic cancer treatment with FOLFIRINOX to get more time with her family.

September 15, 2022 • 1 Min


Board of Directors Scientific Advisory Board Advisory Committee Our Team

September 15, 2022 • 2 Min

Elvin Howard, Jr.

Lieutenant Elvin Howard, Jr. is a 26-year veteran of the Baton Rouge Police Department. During his tenure with the police department, Lieutenant Howard worked ten years in the Homicide Division, one year on a gang task force, three years on the ATF Task Force, and several years in the Community Policing Division as the ReCAST Coordinator, […]