Living with Pancreatic Cancer

730 articles

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September 20, 2021 • 4 Min

Precursors to Pancreatic Cancer: Are There Any Signs to Watch Out For?

Dr. Venkata Akshintala outlines some of the precursors to pancreatic cancer that people should look out for.

Disease Management
November 10, 2023 • 5 Min

Why Clinical Trials Should Be a Patient’s Starting Point

Why are clinical trials such an important part of pancreatic cancer treatment? We outline many reasons doctors and patients should look at trials.

February 14, 2018 • 4 Min

A Simple Blood Test for Early Detection of Eight Cancers Shows Promise

Dr. Anne Marie Lennon explains the CancerSEEK blood test, a liquid biopsy in clinical trials for early detection of eight cancers, including pancreatic.

Survivor Stories
August 6, 2024 • 4 Min

Lucky to Find It Early

When Jeneen Genna did not feel well her doctor searched until they found pancreatic cancer. The BRCA2 mutation has her in a clinical trial.

Survivor Stories
September 18, 2019 • 11 Min

Pitching a Perfect Game Against Pancreatic Cancer

Andy Spiteri is a fantasy sports enthusiast, so he turned to his favorite activity to help him through pancreatic cancer treatment.

Survivor Stories
January 14, 2020 • 5 Min

At a Crossroads for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

Ed O’Connor has been getting chemotherapy for his pancreatic cancer since 2016. His disease is stable and he has to decide whether to cut back on the chemo.

Disease Management
July 20, 2020 • 9 Min

At the Table: Taking Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Pancreatic cancer survivors discuss the different ways they are being careful to avoid catching COVID-19 during the pandemic.

August 2, 2022 • 3 Min

Pancreatic Cancer Basics

Learn the Basics Getting diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is overwhelming. Besides not feeling well, you are thrown into a world with treatments, procedures, and words you don’t know, while facing major decisions and a very serious disease. Here you can find comprehensive explanations, including different treatments and questions to ask. To learn more about first […]

Disease Management
February 14, 2024 • 5 Min

Nutrition Myths Debunked

Does sugar really feed cancer? Is a keto diet better for cancer? Should cancer patients avoid fats? Dietitians L.J. Amaral and Jessica Harrison take on common nutrition myths.

Disease Management
July 6, 2022 • 4 Min

Stay Fit During Cancer Treatment

Researcher Christina Dieli-Conwright discusses the benefits of exercise during pancreatic cancer treatments, and ways patients can stay fit.

June 30, 2022 • 6 Min

Ablative SMART Radiotherapy Could Be Beneficial for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

Learn the advantages of radiation treatment for pancreatic cancer with an MRI-guided system as researched by radiation oncologist Dr. Michael Chuong.

September 1, 2021 • 5 Min

Targeting the Undruggable KRAS Protein

Dr. Shubham Pant is focusing his research on effective treatments for the KRAS mutation, found in 90% of pancreatic cancers.

Survivor Stories
May 9, 2018 • 6 Min

Listen to Your Body

When Roxanne Waling discovered she had pancreatic cancer she underwent genetic testing. She found she was a BRCA2 carrier, which influenced her post-treatment decisions about her health.

February 9, 2024 • 5 Min

New Vaccine Harnesses Power Of the Lymph Nodes

A promising new vaccine targets KRAS, the most common mutation in pancreatic cancer. Dr. Shubham Pant provides an update.

January 24, 2016 • 5 Min

Precision Promise Places Patients at Center of Research

Dr. Diane Simeone explains the different approach to pancreatic cancer clinical trials taken by the Precision Promise program.