Survivor Videos
Let's Win is proud to showcase videos of the many pancreatic cancer survivors who want to share their inspiring stories with you. Watch these videos to learn more about their incredible journeys.
85 Articles

Just Continue to Fight
Roberta Luna has been fighting pancreatic cancer for 15 years. She lost both her parents, her uncle, and her grandmother to the disease but she keeps on fighting.

There Is Hope for Everyone
Lee Ringuette is a 17-year pancreatic cancer survivor who changed doctors, underwent two surgeries, and grueling chemotherapy.

Don’t Believe the Odds
Anne Seagren is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. Chemotherapy shrank her tumor and made her eligible for a Whipple procedure.

One More Day
Jose Lucero is a six-year pancreatic cancer survivor. Despite an initial prognosis of one year to live, he went for a second opinion, which saved his life.

Living is Getting Back Up
Laurie MacCaskill is an 11-year survivor of pancreatic cancer. Her doctor put her on a personalized treatment plan, and she stayed as positive as possible.

As Each Day Goes By
Marc is living with stage IV pancreatic cancer. He knows he is never going to be cancer free, but he wakes up every morning knowing he has another day to live.

Yolanda L. Jackson’s Story
Yolanda L. Jackson is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. She worked throughout her treatment, despite side effects, and is now living her life with a “new normal.”

Reimagining the Possible: A 20-Year Survivor of Pancreatic Cancer
Marisa is a 20-year survivor of stage IV pancreatic cancer as of Spring 2018. She focused on those who defied the odds, and now she is thriving.

Finding Your Own Hope: A Seven-Year Survivor of Pancreatic Cancer
Nancy is a 7-year survivor of pancreatic cancer. Watch the video to hear what she says about battling pancreatic cancer and being a long-term survivor.

Introducing Long-Term Survivors of Pancreatic Cancer
Let’s Win! Pancreatic Cancer introduces a new series of videos, featuring long-term survivors of the disease. Hear their stories in their own words.