Survivor Videos
Let's Win is proud to showcase videos of the many pancreatic cancer survivors who want to share their inspiring stories with you. Watch these videos to learn more about their incredible journeys.
85 Articles

A New Bright Future
Long-term survivor John O’Grady gives back in many ways, whether through his quilts to patients or chairing his local Purple Stride.

Who Am I Now?
As a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, Jennifer Lambert had to redefine herself. She learned to focus on the day and the moment.

The Fight of My Life
Martin Hynes worked for a pharmaceutical company and led a clinical trial for Gemzar. Now he’s a long-term survivor of the same disease he researched.

Let’s Win Pancreatic Cancer Survivors—Year Eight
Let’s Win introduces Year Eight of its long-term survivors video series, featuring women and men who were in all stages of the disease.

How Am I Going to Eat This Elephant?
When long-term survivor John Sanders felt overwhelmed by his pancreatic cancer treatment, he took it one step at at time.

You’re Not Alone
Long-term survivor Jenna Thiel counted on support from her family to get her through a difficult recovery from pancreatic cancer surgery.

My Life is Good Now
When Malcolm Robertson was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he already knew he carried the BRCA2 mutation.

You Can Be the Outlier
When long-term survivor Leanne Pierce was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer, she knew she wanted to be around for her young sons.

Wonder Wyman
As a long-term survivor Shelly Wyman is determined to educate nurses about the latest information for helping pancreatic cancer patients.

Do What Makes You Happy
When Rich Grodin was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he and his wife Staci teamed up to find the best treatments and doctors.

Better Than Ever
Long-term survivor Abby Pezzulo’s children very young when she was diagnosed with PNET, so she focused on them and her husband to get through.

How Far I’ve Come
After Whipple surgery, chemo, and another emergency, long-term survivor Monsita Botwick needed help from a therapist to continue treatment.

I Want to Live!
Every day long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer Doron Bromon sends an important message to the world: I Want to Live!

Proud to be Living with Pancreatic Cancer
Paul Suntup is a long-term survivor living with recurring pancreatic cancer. He tells other patients that they too can survive this disease.

Steely Strength to Keep Going
Long-term survivor Davi D’Agostino discovered she carries the BRCA2 mutation, which changed her treatment plan to targeted therapy.