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Read about the treatment experiences of pancreatic cancer survivors, including what worked, the doctors or facilities they worked with, and more.
324 Articles
When Camille Moses was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she was told to go home to die. She got a second opinion and is now a 7-year survivor.
Tom Dinwiddie knew he needed surgery to survive stage IV neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer; he got a new protocol of treatment before surgery.
Cedric Robins, Sr., is truly grateful to be a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. He knew something wasn’t right and he listened to his body.
Joel Evans’ endocrinologist was concerned so he sent him to get tested for pancreatic cancer. It was caught early enough for a Whipple procedure.
When Chris Parrish was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer, she searched for a program and treatment plan until she found a place that gave her hope.
Retired wrestling coach Cliff Ramos approached his chemotherapy and Whipple surgery for pancreatic cancer like he was still coaching.
Steven Lewis has faced down pancreatic cancer twice–first with a Whipple, chemo and radiation; then with liver surgery for metastasis.
Ed Duncan is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer. As survivor he has a stronger appreciation for life, and a renewed bond with his wife Kathie.
When Scott Nelson was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, oldest brother Steve began regular screening, which lead to his early diagnosis.
Rachel Moreno knew she would need help during treatment but moving in with her son also gave her access to a clinical trial.
With stage IV pancreatic cancer, Rick Baker got molecular profiling which helped direct his different treatments, including clinical trials.
After being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, long-term survivor Chris Parrish found she had to be her own advocate to get a chance at survival.
Lisa Beckendorf was suprised to find out that the cause of her digestive troubles was a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET).
Kenneth Brown got second and third opinions before he chose a treatment plan that included neoadjuvant chemotherapy and a Whipple procedure.
Rob Stuardi had three bouts of pancreatitis before he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He shares his joy of recovery running marathons to raise money for research.