882 Articles
Exploring Alternatives to Creon for Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy
Oncology dietitian Meghan Laszlo explains how pancreatic enzyme replacement drug Creon works and available alternatives.
A New Combination Targeting the RAS Pathway
Researchers are testing two new drugs that target the RAS pathway, to make standard chemotherapy more effective.
AVENGER 500 Clinical Trial Shows No Overall Survival Benefit
Data from the AVENGER 500 clinical trial explains why the trial’s goal was not met. A new trial with a different approach has launched.
How to Live with Cancer: Practical Tips
Psychologist and cancer patient Bill Gardner provides practical tips for living with long-term cancer treatment.
Early Study Shows Exercise Alone Can Reduce Inflammation
Dr. Zobeida Cruz-Monserrate is studying how exercise can reduce inflammation, and how that impacts pancreatic cancer.
Chemo Before Surgery Doubles Overall Survival in Some Patients
Dr. Marco Del Chiaro explains the results of an international study of outcomes for patients who had neoadjuvant treatment before surgery.
Drama Helps Playwright Tackle Pancreatic Cancer Loss
Playwright Isobel Barrett has turned the tragic loss of her husband into a moving play that is also a tool for pancreatic cancer advocacy.
New Liquid Biopsy Shows Promise for Early Detection
Dr. Ajay Goel has a new approach to a liquid biopsy early detection test for pancreatic cancer. So far, the results are very impressive.