73 Articles

Too Busy Living Large!
Jane Eshbaugh regularly participated in Roswell Park Cancer Center’s annual fundraising bike ride, not knowing that one day she would be a patient.

Gathering Information for the Right Treatment
Staci and Rich Grodin applied their medical information research skills when Rich was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Genetic Testing Guided My Treatment Plan
Ryan Dwars already knew there was pancreatic cancer in his family so when he was diagnosed he asked for genetic testing right away.

I Feel Very Lucky!
Because of her early career experience as an oncology nurse, Ann Jaffe wanted to participate in a clinical trial.

Don’t Let Doctors Tell You Nothing’s Wrong
After a long road to diagnosis Brandon Stone learned he has a BRCA2 genetic mutation that impacts his treatment.

You Can Be the Outlier
When long-term survivor Leanne Pierce was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer, she knew she wanted to be around for her young sons.

No Symptoms Whatsoever
Judd Levy had no symptoms when diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. He responded so well to treatment he was able to have a Whipple.

Using Ultrasound to Enhance the Effectiveness of Chemotherapy
A clinical trial combines ultrasound with a microbubble contrast agent to make chemotherapy more effective.

Faith, Hope, and Perseverance
Maryanne Winchester credits faith, hope, and perseverance for getting her through three types of chemotherapy, radioembolization and a pancreatectomy.

I Wanted Immunotherapy!
When Daniel Miller was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer he knew he didn’t want chemotherapy—he wanted immunotherapy!

A Long Journey That Began With Pancreatitis
Paul Suntup’s diagnosis of acinar cell pancreatic cancer was just the start of a long treatment journey, but he’s still here.

Changing Course Midstream
Barbara Green wasn’t happy with her doctors, so she took the advice of her support group, was an advocate for herself, and changed doctors.

One of the Biggest Tumors They Had Ever Seen
Pancreatectomy surgery to remove her cancer was Donna Robinson’s goal, despite having one of the largest tumors her doctors had ever seen.

Genetic Profiling Leads to a Clinical Trial
With treatment not working and nothing to lose, Cathleen Janosko did her research and got help finding a clinical trial to match her tumor’s mutation.

Have Hope
Andy Seynaeve has undergone many rounds of chemotherapy but he has had a great response. Best of all, he has hope.