
133 Articles

Kim Reiss Binder
January 12, 2022 • 5 Min

New Study Aims to Reduce Recurrence Risk for Select Patients

Dr. Kim A. Reiss is leading a study of the PARP inhibitor olaparib to delay or prevent a recurrence of surgically removed pancreatic cancer.

pancreatic cancer patient Laura Metzger and family
Survivor Stories
December 23, 2021 • 6 Min

Learning to Recognize the Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

Recognizing the symptoms of pancreatic cancer is key to early detection. Laura Metzger’s story illustrates the importance of detecting pancreatic cancer early.

pancreatic cancer patient Rita Krueger, her husband and dog
Survivor Stories
November 1, 2021 • 4 Min

Choosing the Right Doctor

Rita Krueger made an important decision that changed her pancreatic cancer treatment when she got a second opinion.

pancreatic cancer long-term survivor Helene Avraham-Katz and her family
Survivor Stories
September 23, 2021 • 5 Min

The Butterfly Effect and Living Every Day to My Fullest

Because Helene Avraham-Katz has the BRCA2 mutation, certain chemotherapies work better and she is eligible for specific clinical trials.

model of DNA structure
September 7, 2021 • 2 Min

Testing a Combination for Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

A clinical trial tests an investigational drug, immunotherapy, and radiation in combination against advanced pancreatic cancer.

pancreatic cancer survivor Bob Minetti
Survivor Stories
August 16, 2021 • 2 Min

A Clinical Trial Saved My Life

Bob Minetti and his doctors believe that a clinical trial saved his life after a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

pancreatic cancer survivor Harry Schlechte
Survivor Stories
June 11, 2021 • 2 Min

Faith in My Survival

Harry Schlechte had a Whipple procedure for his pancreatic cancer, but he credits his faith for getting him through treatment.

illustration of a green round table with orange chairs
Patient Voices
May 21, 2021 • 7 Min

At the Table: Anxiety Before Each Chemotherapy Treatment

Read this roundtable discussion with pancreatic cancer patients and survivors as they share insights into how they manage their anxiety around treatment.

pancreatic cancer patient Thomas Stachler
Survivor Stories
May 4, 2021 • 2 Min

You Only Have One Life to Live

Tom Stachler traveled from his home in Michigan to an expert surgeon in Wisconsin to have Whipple surgery for his pancreatic cancer.

Find Treatment Options webinar
April 30, 2021 • 1 Min

Find Treatment Options

In Find Treatment Options, oncologists and genetic counselors discuss treatments and the importance of genetic testing.

Dr. Matthew Katz
April 6, 2021 • 5 Min

New Data Support Preoperative Chemoradiation Regimen for Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer

Should patients get chemotherapy or chemoradiation before surgery? Dr. Matthew Katz provides an update on the Alliance study.

Doctor talking to a patient in a hospital bed
Disease Management
March 5, 2021 • 4 Min

The Pancreatic Standard of Care is No Longer So Standard

Do you want to understand more about how your doctor chooses your treatments? Learn about the standard of care for pancreatic cancer.

pancreatic cancer patient Michael Francis in a field of roses
Survivor Stories
February 17, 2021 • 3 Min

Time and Hope

Rose farmer Michael Francis wanted more time with his family, so he joined a clinical trial to treat his stage III pancreatic cancer.

pancreatic cancer patient Eric Lasner in his racecar
Survivor Stories
February 4, 2021 • 7 Min

My Most Challenging Race

Eric Lasner faced Whipple surgery, chemotherapy with FOLFIRINOX, and radiation, in order to get back to closed circuit road racing.

pancreatic cancer survivor Angella Dixon-Watson and her family
Survivor Stories
December 23, 2020 • 8 Min

Gift of Another Breath

Angella Dixon-Watson is grateful for her treatment team and the support of her family as she faced pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.