54 Articles

Managing Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer with Chemotherapy and Diet
A new clinical trial looks at a special diet that tries to curb a patient’s metabolism to slow cancer growth during chemotherapy.

A Changing Treatment Plan
Shawnee Daniels-Sykes and her doctors have been changing her treatment plan to match her stage IV pancreatic cancer.

The Benefit of Multiple Clinical Trials
Dr. Ira Sharp knew that his best bet for surviving pancreatic cancer was to look for clinical trials as part of his treatment.

Cherishing the Simple Things
Elizabeth O’Connor has a PALB2 genetic mutation so her stage IV pancreatic cancer has responded to immunotherapy.

Endurance Athlete Enduring Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
After a stage IV pancreatic cancer diagnosis, Dr. Kevin Moore had cytoreductive surgery to remove the metastases in his abdomen.

Taking Life with Pancreatic Cancer One Day at a Time
François has been taking chemotherapy for his pancreatic cancer treatment and living one day at a time, to make the most of his life.

Following a Treatment Plan
As a retired oncology nurse, Virginia Wetcher knew she needed a good treatment plan after her pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

Carefully Choosing My Doctor
Doris Bowdoin researched to find the best doctor for her pancreatic cancer. Now she advocates for others through the Witches of St. Andrews.

Marching On Against Pancreatic Cancer
Chad Handley is facing pancreatic cancer one step at a time–literally. After every chemotherapy he walks to help ease the side effects.

Picking a Clinical Trial for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
When Robert Weker was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he believed a clinical trial was his best chance of reducing the tumor enough for a Whipple.

Surviving Pancreatic Cancer Three Times
Jaundice brought Larry Nicolet to the doctor but took three tries, including a Whipple procedure, for him to be clean of pancreatic cancer.

At a Crossroads for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Ed O’Connor has been getting chemotherapy for his pancreatic cancer since 2016. His disease is stable and he has to decide whether to cut back on the chemo.

Learning to Guide My Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
The more Colin Gabriel learned about pancreatic cancer, the more he realized he needed to guide his treatment, rather than go where his HMO recommended.

Pitching a Perfect Game Against Pancreatic Cancer
Andy Spiteri is a fantasy sports enthusiast, so he turned to his favorite activity to help him through pancreatic cancer treatment.

I’ll Never Stop Fighting
When Lynne Holcomb was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer, she kept fighting through treatment and made it onto a clinical trial.