
176 articles

Illustration of Whipple anatomy

If your tumor is in the head of the pancreas and has not spread, you may qualify for a Whipple procedure. What can you expect from this complex surgery?

Survivor Stories
March 29, 2023 • 4 Min

A Second Opinion Felt Right

Bonnie Dahl considered treatment for stage I pancreatic cancer near home but felt a second opinion and a bigger cancer center were important.

Survivor Stories
April 19, 2023 • 4 Min

Two-Year Survivor and Going Strong

Susan Hoopengarner coordinated her care between a local hospital and a major cancer center for chemotherapy and a Whipple procedure.

Survivor Stories
June 27, 2023 • 6 Min

A Fighting Spirit

Resilience best describes Dr. Errol D. Toulon, Jr., a long-term survivor of lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, and a heart emergency.

Survivor Stories
August 30, 2023 • 4 Min

Lots and Lots of Research Leads to a Better Outcome

Dan Grunfeld put his experience as a chemist to good use as he researched pancreatic cancer treatments to find a clinical trial.

Survivor Stories
January 24, 2024 • 4 Min

Don’t Give Up

Joe Pearson responded so well to chemotherapy that even with a stage III tumor near a blood vessel he was able to have Whipple surgery.

Survivor Stories
August 6, 2024 • 4 Min

Lucky to Find It Early

When Jeneen Genna did not feel well her doctor searched until they found pancreatic cancer. The BRCA2 mutation has her in a clinical trial.

Survivor Stories
March 18, 2020 • 9 Min

Picking a Clinical Trial for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

When Robert Weker was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he believed a clinical trial was his best chance of reducing the tumor enough for a Whipple.

Survivor Stories
June 16, 2020 • 9 Min

Facing My Biggest Danger: Pancreatic Cancer

After Gary Carmichael finally found the source of his digestive troubles, he had a Whipple procedure to remove his pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
August 9, 2019 • 7 Min

After Surviving Pancreatic Cancer, a Moral Obligation to Share

Tom Dinwiddie knew he needed surgery to survive stage IV neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer; he got a new protocol of treatment before surgery.

Survivor Stories
August 17, 2022 • 6 Min

Going Outside Standard Protocol Changed Everything

Sharon Rockmaker was determined to have a Whipple procedure despite having stage IV pancreatic cancer, and she finally did.

Survivor Stories
August 27, 2021 • 4 Min

A Life-Saving, Life-Changing Diagnosis

Randi C. Ervin’s primary care doctor suspected she had something more than prediabetes. Testing showed pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.

Disease Management
March 24, 2023 • 6 Min

What Is It Going to Take to Stop Pancreatic Cancer? A 10-Year Survivor’s Perspective

Survivor William Ramshaw reflects on the need for more research into treatments and early detection tests for pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
August 26, 2016 • 3 Min

Making a Risky Choice

Judith Zitiello’s pancreatic cancer was wrapped around the hepatic artery, but she chose the laparoscopic Whipple procedure instead of chemotherapy alone.

Survivor Stories
October 5, 2016 • 4 Min

With No Family History of Cancer, Surprised By the Diagnosis

Marianne, a nurse, went to a hospital that specializes in cancer. A liquid biopsy will determine the next step in her treatment.

Survivor Stories
August 25, 2017 • 4 Min

Far More Time than I Originally Expected

After a Whipple procedure, SBRT, and chemotherapy, Robert Glazier is staying informed about treatment options for pancreatic cancer.